Albert Schweitzer's Web Resources

You are the person to visit this site since 8/22/96.

I am gathering information and links to make this the most comphrehensive resource for information on Albert Schweitzer.
I will also be adding information on Opal Whitley, Ghandi and a few other selected people.

Abuse of "animals plays a crucial role in starting the cycle of disrespect to everyone."
Karen Brunson,
Washington State Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration.

"Children trained to extend justice, kindness, and mercy to animals become more just, kind and considerate in their relationship with others. Character training along these lines in youth will result in men and women of broader sympathies; more humane, more law abiding-in every respect more valuable citizens. Humane education is the teaching in schools the principles of justice, good will and humanity toward all life."
National PTA Conference, USA 1933

Links to other sites on the Web

Albert-Schweitzer-Schule, Kassel, Germany
Personal story by a young girl
Physicians for Global Survival, Memories on Albert Schweitzer
J.S.Bach Recordings by Albert Schwietzer
Albert Schweitzer Foundation. In Frech or German
Albert Schwetizer Institute for the Humanities....
Albert Schwetizer Hospital in Haiti.
"One Nice Guy". Albert Schwetizer Photo referenced in someones homepage.
Albert Schwetizer Institute of Languages.
Institute of Anatomy, Muenster. Go to bottom of page.
A personal Home page with Schweitzer like ideals.
Green Ribbon
Lists Albert Schweitzer Center
Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation

Send me an e-mail if you have any other links...Thank you... Email

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