Hello, this is Andy Wijaya.I'm from Indonesia.
I love to make friend. Born 12 December 1974 in Surabaya.
I'm 22. Last time I check I'm a man.
I'm a melancholys man.
(Writen in Indonesian, I wrote this article!)
As a melancholys, the good things about me are:
I'm romantic. I love candle light, calm people.
I have a good appreciation on beauty. The view of nature always impresse me.
M e l a n
c h o l y
I live with my sister and brothers ... and my stupid dog *Mickey*
at Jalan Tenggilis Timur BB-15 Surabaya. :)
My phone number is 62-31-8490574.
My hobbies are: Home computer, listening to the music, reading books, and internet.
I am an Industrial Engineering student in University of Surabaya, Surabaya-Indonesia.
I spend lot of time in the computer lab's internet, surfing in the cyberspace.
I would be happy to receive your message.
Tell me about your self and I'll tell you 'bout my self.
My e-mail address is
Please FEEL FREE to send me a mail, OK?
GREAT STUFF!!! If you wanna know your own kind of temperament.
Now after you read all that melancholys stuff, It's normal if you
become curious to know wether you yourself are a sanguinis, melancholys, choleryc or a phlegmatic. =:P
This is a questionare taken from "Personality Puzzle". Just click and submit. Don't miss it! (and...please read the book, too)
MorE phOtos
[ Lia and me ]
[ My friends ]
[ In the Gym ]
[ Friends at Petra 5 ]
[ All Sist & Bros ]
[ ehm :) ]
[ My sister Indah ]
[ Me and my friend in the pool ]
[ Birthday ]
[ My good friend Terry ]
[ Terry's cute kid ]