Looking at some of my links will tell you a little bit more about me. Oh, I haven't told you my name. I'm Diannalynn. Nice to meet you.
Here's a funny side note. My friends call me DL (you may have noticed that my name can be kind of a mouthful). A while ago, a group of us were in a cafe and placed an order at the counter. The girl asked for our names to call us when our orders were finished. I said, "DL" and she replied, "Oh, that's pretty, how do you spell it?" So now you can call me 'Dielle.' (Pronounced DL.)
So some basic info about me...
"Education is not the filling of a pail; it is the lighting of a fire."
--William Butler Yeats
My quote site is pretty random (rather like me). But if you're searching for something specific, or are looking for a very organized guide to quotes, go here. (WOW!)
Links to other fun or interesting sites on the Web
Epistemology, Consciousness & the Mind
LDS Church History Stories
Brigham Young University
Chapman University
Library of Congress
The Cyrano Server
Vote Smart Web
Paris Pages Musee duLouvre
Shakespeare Homepage
The Emerald Web, Seattle Internet Guide
Another quote page
Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
--Samuel Butler