Disclaimer: This story is written for fun, not profit. Some of the characters used in this story may be copyrighted by Marvel comics. If you feel the need to sue me for the use of them, please remember, I am a college student (i.e. no $$$) so you will probably just waste court time.
Synch turns to Rahne, " You know, I didn't get anything from Card."
"I don't think he's a mutant, but he is agile, and deadly."
The door opens...and out walk Passion and Card, "Ok, Mirror, you'll be accompanying Card from now on, You too Wolf."
"Nice to see that you all made it." Speedshift said as he and Adam Leioni walked in.
"That was quick...nice to see you out, 'Barry'." Passion said
"That's why we have such good lawyers......so, where's the meeting going to be?" Barry asked.
"Odds are for a meeting in Monterey, California, out by Fort Ord....but we're not sure."
"I want it out there, and since I have some 'pull', it's almost a sure thing. They have better 'joke' stores out there." Card said.
Barry Leigh walks out of the debris without a scratch..." Well, I doubt we'll find any prints or evidence now."
"I didn't detect any thoughts in there", Emma whispered to him," but there may still be some bodies in there."
"I don't think so, they knew we were coming, they would have removed the evidence.....damn!!"
"Barry, got a call for you."
"Yes...they were headed where? alright. Release Tabitha and Paige, hold the others for as long as possible", turns to Emma, " Well, we only have synch, Rahne, and a few others left...almost like they know we're there and we're being used to test their trainees. I did find out that they relocated to El Paso, Texas, for now. do you think Gateway would mind sending Louis, Monet, and myself down there?"
"Ok, Mirror, Wolf, let's move out." Card says, "We have to meet with Tink, then head out to the meeting."
"Hold on, Card", Passion stopps him," They don't have passports...this means that you'll have to leave them with me, and I'll escort them to the meeting."
"Rats! Oh, alright, I'll call with the details of the meeting's location...after I tell mainbrain that everyone wants Cali."
Mirror whispers to Wolf, " We need to let 'em know about the meeting."
"They can wait", Wolf replies.
The sudden bust of light marked the arrival of Louis, monet, and Barry.
"Why didn't we teleport ourselves?" Louis asked.
"Because then would have detected our energy signatures..... and relocated."
"But you were still expected...here, five years after the original group disbanded." Came a voice.
Barry and Louis turned and both were attacked by a mystery man. Punch for punch, the three of them fought. This guy matched both of them for fighting style, move for move, and even had the same style of clothes on. Monet noticed four guys watching the fight, and keeping their gun-like weapons aimed at her. A quick kick, from the assailent, sent Louis flying...but gave Barry some room to maneuver. Barry hit the guy on the neck, and the mystery man hit the ground. Louis ran to Barry's side.
"Nice to see the Prince is still in shape", Barry said, wiping blood from his mouth.
"Don't you think you should unparalyze him before any permanant dammage is done?"
"Alright, alright....just hold him steady." Louis picked the Prince up, and Barry hit him again, in the same place. Louis leaned the Prince against the wall. Louis then raised his fist straight up, bent his elbow, and brought the fist down so it was even with his face.
"SKD Kneel!!!!!" Louis said.
The four guys dropped their weapons and repeated Louis' jesture, and knelt in front of him, with their faces down.
"Ok, enough of that, Prince, what brings you out here?"
"Drugs, large shipment coming in from Mexico, rumored to be for SKD."
"Anyone in particular, or just the group?"
"Believe it or not, Passion, Card, Adam, and a few other Knights are here." Prince said.
"What's the occasion?" Barry asked
"Yearly Plan of Attack, or just a general meeting, not sure, but I know Adam Leioni came here immediately after getting out of jail."
"Plan of Attack meeting?" Louis asked
"The meeting of Mainbrain, the Court, and the Knights, you guys really didn't know? Rumor has it that they are going to discuss all operations....including those you busted. Look, Barry, Louis, if you're going to handle stuff here, why not let myself and your female companion attend the meeting as backups? You know I can still get in."
"What do you say, Monet, do you want to stay with us or go with the Prince of Pain?" Asked Barry.
"Well, sir, I think I can do more good undercover."
"Agreed, You'll go with the Prince...we'll have Jono brought in to help with this section of the operation. Good Luck...and Prince, thanks."
"No problem, just forget that you feds ever saw me and mine." He said, smiling and the six of them walked away.
"I hope he's still with us, his underworld connections don't seem to have changed him much. At least he didn't try for the price that SKD put on our heads." Barry said
"Let's head to Cali to assist, just in case."
Yes, this is the end of chapter 6 of my "short" story.
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