Copyright notice: Some of the characters used in this story are copyrighted by Marvel Comics, and are used without permission. If you feel that you must sue me for the use of these characters, please remember, I am a college student, and have no money. Instead, please try to read and enjoy the story.
Also, if you notice any spelling mistakes, please just ignore them (or let me know and I'll correct them when I get a chance).
Officer Martinez thought it was just another routine day. A few speeding
tickets, a kid on a motorcycle without a helmet, free sodas, a few burgers,
nothing special. He still couldn't believe that his brother was involved in
a shootout just yesterday. Now, Carlos was on a paid vacation, while IAD
made sure that the officers shot in self defence. As he kicked his bike to
life, he thought about what he would do if he met those kids....would he
have been as lucky? or would he have been lying on the ground with a bullet
"Your trainees failed in their mission, Why?" Speedshift asked, "what prompted you to send them out in a jeep that had just been used in a major strike?"
"I do not explain myself to subordinates, chico, and I will explain myself to the Court, no one else. Doubt my decisions again and we may just find out if a mechanic...even Mainbrain's personal more important than a Knight." Julio yelled, " Now get out of my sight before I decide to have you removed."
"Don't push your luck....Julio, or the next time you go for a drive, you may not be comming back, not that anyone would miss you around here."
"I'd be careful about saying things like that too loud around here...some
might view it as insubbordination. Now I have a special assignment to do
before the meeting and I'd hate to tell Mainbrain what you said. Besides,
before I correct my 'mistake', I've decided to question our two surviving
recruits to find out what happened. Look, Sammy has himself some recruits. I
wonder what he'll have them do."
"Welcome to SKD, guys, I'm Sammy. Now, after the little mishap yesterday,
y'all are going to have to be careful when you do your assignment. After
talking to each of ya, I've decided on codenames that I think will suit ya,
but first things first. The mission is...let's see, we are expecting a
shipment from Card of some new toys. I guess I'll let you boys handle
backup....making sure they get delivered to the warehouse on New Dorp Lane
over on Staten Island. If this stuff don't get delivered, don't bother
showin' up 'gain. Now for the code names: Angelo, y'all be 'Greyskin'.
Everett.....let's call ya 'Mirror', Chuck'll be 'Da Bear'na, let's make it
'Da Bull', Henry'll be 'Tulo', an Mark'll be 'Shaggy'or, better yet, 'Kato'.
Now get ta work...go see Gears for ya befo ya leave, see Assasin
for ya mo thing, your contact is Addam 'Barry' Leioni. Now,
get movin'."
"I wonder why they want so much security for these toys?"
"Well, Bull, seeing as how John Gotti is out of jail, you got to figure that his family'll be out to score some new action."
"True, Tulo, but why send rookies to guard an important shipment?"
"perhaps, senor Toro, we are merely going to see how los professionales handle the job so we can do it later?"
As they pulled the van into the lot, they noticed there was a beige mustang across the street.
"Tulo, Greyskin...go check out that car." Tulo said, " the rest of us will act as back-up." He reached under the back seat and pulled out a shotgun, Mirror grabbed a .22, while Bull loaded his .357.
Tulo and Greyskin approached the car slowly, trying to see if there was any movement or an kind of threat. The car door opened and out stepped a 5'5" blond haired gentleman in an expensive-looking suit.
"Let me guess, Sammy sent you to act as back-up, right? Well, I'm Adam 'Barry' Leioni. Let's get going in the van....I'll give you the directions." He hopped into the passenger seat. " do you know where Stapleton is? Good, that's where we are headed."
This is the end of chapter 3
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