Verbatim from Public Information distributed by:
The Embassy of the United States of America
Athens, Greece
Work Permits
 Note from the webmaster:  All links and information, unless otherwise noted as official,  lead to general information that would be sent to you if you were to call The American Embassy in Athens, Greece, and request information.  This page is not official, but is made by a private citizen, and covers issues not addressed in the official pages of the  U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece.   This page is meant for your convenience, and although the pages ARE copied verbatim from non vital documents issued by the Embassy, is not to be taken as official.  Thank You.

Aliens who wish to work in Greece must have valid work and residence permits.  Approval from the Greekauthorities must be obtained by the perspective employer prior to the alien's arrival in Greece for the purpose ofworking.  Before such an approval is granted, the Greek authorities consider the possibility of filling the positionwith an unemployed person from other parts of the country.  Preference is given to Greek citizens, citizens of theEuropean Community countries, persons of Greek extraction and aliens who enjoy refugee status and residelegally in Greece.
An alien who comes to Greece for the purpose of working is obliged, upon entry, to present the documentsshowing that prior permission has been granted by the Greek Authorities.  The alien must report, accompaniedby the employer, within one month following his/her arrival to the appropriate police authority in the area ofhis/her residence to submit the required document for issuance of the residence and work permits.  The workpermit is issued for a specific period of time, employer, occupation and place of work.  The work permit can berenewed if the conditions of the original approval are still applicable.  The validity of the work permit can neverexceed the date of expiration of the residence permit.
Any alien who offers his/her services in the form of dependent reimbursable employment, exercises aprofession or is engaged in a beneficial activity without a valid work permit will be punished with imprisonmentand payment of a fine.  Such punishments can also result in the deportation of the individual.

American EmbassyAthens, GreeceJune, 1992
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