Orthodox Christianity is a living continuation of the early church that we find in the pages of the New Testament of the Holy Bible. As Jesus' early followers -- the Apostles -- spread throughout the world, preaching the gospel of Christ and baptizing believers, they planted churches and ordained bishops (overseers) and priests (elders) for them, as recorded in the New Testament. The Orthodox Church today is a direct descendant of those early churches.
Orthodoxy acknowledges no head over the Church except Christ. The patriarchs or archbishops of the various autocephalous ("self-headed") churches -- such as the Russian Orthodox Church, the Romanian Orthodox Church, or the Church of Greece -- are of equal authority among themselves, and are individually the highest spiritual authority in their jurisdictions. The "Ecumenical Patriarch" of Constantinople carries this title as one of honor, "first among equals", derived from the time when Constantinople was one of two capitals of the Roman Empire and Christianity was the dominant religion. The title does not designate superior spiritual authority. Patriarchs, archbishops, metropolitans and bishops do have varying administrative duties, but "a bishop is a bishop" - spiritual authority is the same among them all. One's administrative superior often provides spiritual guidance, though.
Orthodox Churches around the world comprise the one Holy, Orthodox, Catholic, Apostolic Church. The language used by a parish or the parishes under a particular bishop do not split the Church into pieces. It is one church.
In the United States, the ethnic character of many congregations reflects the fact that the churches were started primarily by immigrants who brought their precious Orthodox faith with them, rather than by missionaries (except Alaska, which was missionized by the Russian Orthodox during the period of Russian ownership, and has a large indigenous Orthodox population). These congregations most often held their services in the language of their homeland, rather than in the local language. Little by little, individual churches employ more of the language of their adopted country. Some churches already hold their services entirely in English, notably some parishes of both the Orthodox Church in America and the American parishes of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. The parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, of which this author is a part, uses varying amounts of English corresponding to the needs of the parish, generally as determined by the metropolitan bishop.
In the meantime, most churches have side-by-side translations of the services available, so all can participate in the worship. One does not have to be Russian or Greek to attend an Orthodox Church! All are welcome to come and become a part of Christ's Church -- to "taste and see that the Lord is good." Despite the ethnic character of the various Orthodox churches, they are in doctrinal agreement and (mostly) in full communion with one another.
The Orthodox Christian's statement of faith is the Nicene Creed, adopted by the early church to clarify the deposit of faith, in response to continued attacks of heresy upon the church. The Creed pays particular attention to the Holy Trinity and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In a very tiny nutshell, Orthodox beliefs as expressed in the Creed are:
The worship of the Orthodox Church is liturgical, following a predetermined order that is a great many centuries old, having been based on Jewish synagogue worship patterns, adapted, of course, to Christian usage. On any particular day, the services are nominally identical in all Orthodox Churches -- with some minor local variants -- but the services can vary considerably in content from day to day.
The primary worship service of the Orthodox Church is the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, the core of which dates to the 4th century AD. This liturgy is an abbreviation of the Liturgy of St. Basil, which is still used during Lent, and which is itself a version of the Liturgy of St. James, which was instituted by St. James, the brother of the Lord, and leader of the church in Jerusalem.
The Eucharist (Greek "thanksgiving" -- or Holy Gifts, or Holy Mysteries, or Communion) is offered every Liturgy -- both the bread and wine (now become the body and blood of Christ) are received by communicants. Communion, rather than the sermon, is the central feature of Orthodox worship. The Holy Gifts are the true body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, changed by the Holy Spirit during the prayers over the bread and wine. By partaking of them, we are united with Christ. "This is my body..." "This is my blood..."
Due to the sad divisions within Christianity, only Orthodox Christians may partake of the Eucharist; the practice of "open communion" is not followed. Communion is not a vehicle for generating unity; it is an acknowledgment of existing unity. The Church prays for the day that all Christians are united in faith and belief, which may then be expressed in the context of communion.
A great number of links to Orthodoxy-related information are available on the Internet. For starters, see these:
This page was last updated on December 14, 2008.
Copyright ©1998-2009, Stephen Parsons. Please send comments or questions to stephenparsons@yahoo.com.