Parsons Family Home Page

The Parsons family consists of Stephen and Allison, with children Angelique, Lindsay, and Nicholas.

We live and work in the "Silicon Valley" area of California, so named for the computers and other electronic devices developed in the area which use silicon-based integrated circuits -- "chips". Allison and Stephen are primarily involved in computer storage and network development. The children are all students at local universities or high schools.

We are Orthodox Christians, members of the ancient Christian Church started in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost. We attend St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, where Stephen is the church organist and one of the chanters ("psaltis".)

For a quick introduction to Orthodox Christianity, visit Stephen's Introduction to Orthodox Christianity.

For information about the Orthodox saint that many know as Santa Claus, see Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Page, also maintained by Stephen.

This page was last updated on December 14, 2008.

Copyright ©1998-2008, Stephen Parsons. Please send comments or questions to