Past Links of the Week

- February 6, 2000: Udder Insanity
- A frivolous thing to start the link year! Have fun milking the cows, and shooting the elf guy.
- February 13, 2000: Cambridge Latin Course
- More cool Latin stuff, like vocabulary exercises and whatnot. From one of the most popular Latin education programs around.
- February 20, 2000: Official Steely Dan Home Page
- Okay, so I'm not particularly a huge fan of SD. But I came across their page the other day, and I think it's neat. Funny stuff all over da place!
- February 27, 2000: The Chicago Dental Society Home Page
- Where was the kiddo last week? Up in the Windy City picking up Mumser, and attending the annual midwinter conference for this dental society. Not to mention hitching up with Uncle Joe, who is more than a hundred laffs a minute--not to be missed!
- March 5, 2000: The National Women's History Project
- As you know, March is Women's History Month. This site has links, documents, event listings, and more--all to give y'all a fuller concept of the history of humanity.
- March 12, 2000: Joe Walsh
- The Ordinary Average Guy himself! His first time on the Internet, he liked it so much he stayed on it for 72 hours straight! This is Joe's official page.
- March 19, 2000: Art History Home Page
- Big News! Yes indeed, I have been accepted for graduate school at the University of Delaware! Later on this year, I'll begin my studies with Prof. Lawrence Nees. Stop by and have a look!
- March 26, 2000: Fosse
- Bob Fosse was one of the greatest dancers and choreographers of the 20th century. This is the informational site for the retrospective musical on his work, that I saw in Chicago last November. Learn more about the man and his work here.
- April 2, 2000: Musée Rodin
- Auguste Rodin is widely regarded as one of the most evocative, innovative, and influential sculptors since the Renaissance. This is the museum which houses a majority of his works, as well as many of the works of his protégé, Camille Claudel.
- April 9, 2000: Maker's Mark Distillery
- IU's University Club paid this place a visit this past weekend. This is a small distillery in Loretto, Kentucky which makes award-winning small batch whisky (note the Scottish spelling). Explore their history and find out what makes their bourbon special!
- April 16, 2000: The Gore Vidal Index
- I've become interested in this gent and his writings, especially through things like his film series, Vidal in Venice. He makes his home in Ravello, Italy; some people have such a hard life! Anyway, you can explore the man and his writings here.
- April 23, 2000: Centre for Medieval Studies
- Those of you who know me know of my admiration for Prof. Walter Goffart. He has retired--although he still writes and lectures actively--but this was his place of employ for many years. This is one of our great centers for mediaeval scholarship, from the Cold Land to the North of us!
- April 30, 2000: CAA Reviews
- This is a new addition to the College Art Association's family of sites. CAA Reviews has excellent reviews of recent art history publications, which is very helpful for those of us who are financially challenged . . .
- May 7, 2000: ORB's Session at Kalamazoo 2000
- You may recall the link from some time ago for the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies (ORB). I attended their session at K'zoo this year, and this is the site they created from their presentation.
- May 14, 2000:
- New vistas can be created in your mind just by moving a few phrases around. Investigate some chiastic quotes here!
- May 21, 2000: ICQ
- This is probably the best program to use for chatting, one of my favorite pasttimes--as you may vividly recall. Very user-friendly, and used by me and all my buddies on a regular basis.
- For May 28, 2000: The Nature Conservancy
- This organization is devoted to preserving plant and animal life around the world. It is the world's leading private international conservation group. Find out more about it here!
- June 4, 2000: Indiana Pacers
- Hooray for our boys!!! The Pacers have made it to the NBA Finals for the first time in their history. Hopefully they will go all the way. Boom Baby!!!
- June 11, 2000: CornCam
- Yee-haw! What could possibly be more fun than watching corn grow? Keep your eye on the baby corns here! *G*
- June 18, 2000: Bulfinch's Mythology
- You may have wondered how I became interested in the ancient world. It was by reading Bulfinch's work when I was a young pup! Explore the stories of the ancients, and the mediaevals, here.
- June 25, 2000: Hans Hoffman
- Hoffman was one of the best twentieth-century artists for the use of color in an expressive way. Come meet the self-styled "old man gone crazy on color."
- July 2, 2000: The Prisoner Appreciation Society
- Returning to a golden oldie! This page, while somewhat commercial, has a lot of good information on one of my favorite TV series, The Prisoner. Learn about this powerful individualist here!
- For July 9, 2000: Galleria Barberini, Borghese, Corsini, and Spada - Official Site
- This page has links about some of the best museums in Rome, one of the "queens" of museum cities!
- For July 16, 2000: The Devil's Dictionary
- This is too hilarious! Browse through these churlish definitions and have a chuckle!
- For July 23, 2000: The Last Page of the Internet
- You knew that it would show up here sooner or later! We feature this page, in honor of my departure from Indiana University.

In order to make room for more links, the links from February 1997 to January 1998 have been archived here!
Naturally enough, the second year of links (February 1998-January 1999) have been archived here, and the third (February 1999-January 2000) is here!

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