Three years' worth of the weird and bizarre! You are a glutton for punishment, aren't you! Now featured monthly, due to my busy schedule and the fact that you perps can't seem to keep up with me . . .
- For April 2001:
- A cousin to Joe Cartoon. Most delightful bits are Cat-a-pult, Peanut, Cat-vac, Breeder, and my personal fave, Frisbee Dog. Waste a few hours here!
See earlier Links of the Week!

Some Links of Interest
- Featured Artist:

- Jacob van Ruisdael - View of Haarlem, ca. 1670
- Featured Music:

- Polly Jean Harvey, Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea
- Featured Book:
- Richard Davenport-Hines, Auden
- My "Dad"
- Following the example of Rob Helmerichs, here is my main "Dad"--the guy who has had the most impact on my intellectual growth over the past decade--Prof. W. Eugene Kleinbauer.
- AncientWorlds
- My primary hangout these days, when I'm not web surfing. Articles on ancient life, SPQR, and my new domus at Camilla Lucretius.
- Edgar Allan Poe's House of Usher
- A fabulous page devoted to Edgar Allan Poe. Full of information, resources, and wacky stuff from Peter!
- My Concoctions--Preserving My Wisdom for the Ages!
- My Second Page
- John Romer Resource Page
- Karen and Jean's Celtic Art Page
- My Comparison for A310 (Egyptian Art)
- My Paper for A575 This is what I've worked up so far for my research paper. Have a look!

- My Own Car!!!!

Wanna mail me? Please do!

Last updated June 10, 2007.
The ubiquitous counter!