
 Miramar High School

    Miramar, Florida

Questions, Comments?


Mrs. Wolitzer is a graduate of New
York University and holds a Masters Degree from the University of
Oklahoma. She has been teaching English, German, and Russian
since 1970 and has also been a guidance counselor. She is chairperson of her school's English and Foreign Language Departments for the l999-2000 school year.
WELCOME BACK, Class of '2000! You've made it ...almost ! It will seem as if your senior year will fly by, but you'll want to enjoy every minute of it! (Time goes by fast when you're having fun, especially in MY class!). Seriously though, I hope Senioritis won't affect you until June, and even then it's important that you keep those grades up ( in many cases your college admission is conditional upon receipt of final grades) .If you want to walk across that big stage next June to get that sheepskin (translation - diploma), you gotta pass English. If you want to pass English, remember these four words:

PREPARATION-bring your textbook, journal, notebook  and assignments every day.

COOPERATION-follow my classroom rules as well as the school's, and everything'll be cool!

CONCENTRATION-Stay awake , pay attention, and do your best!

PERSPIRATION- No, I don't want that in the classroom,  but I do expect you to "sweat" a little.

All Students should check out the Url below before school starts! P.S. Did you know you can register on-line for your SAT's ?
College Board Link