The "Sura Like It" Controversy

This page is a summary of this site's involvement with the "Sura Like It" episode.
Part 1: The Story

Part 1: The "Sura Like It" Controversy



For most Arabs, the intellectual basis for believing that the Quran is the word of God is the belief that the Quran is miraculous in nature. Miraculous in terms of:: This is of course, a generalization, as different people believe in the Quran being the word of God for different reasons. But it is an important question, as groups such as Hizb-ut-Tahrir hold that it is possible, by appreciating the nature of the Quran, to intellectually, rationally, objectively conclude that the Quran is a miracle. And the key to doing so can be found in Sura 2:23, where there is a challenge to produce a sura like that in the Quran; if one cannot produce a sura like thereunto, then one is to conclude that the Quran must be from God.

There are certain problems with this stance, however:


This Site's Position

I was not the originator of any of these verses (I cannot even speak Arabic), but my reason for setting up the site was to:

I intended it to be a private matter, and did not publicize the site on any of the search engines, and intended to remove it after a very short while, after it had served it's very limited research purpose.

At the time, I was totally unaware of the commotion going on on the internet and with Muslims regarding the appearance of these verses on other sites. I unwittingly got involved in the cross-fire during this time, with people thinking that I had set-up a mirror site in support of the other sites. Muslims (including Al-Azhar University!) charged me with being a Jew, inspired by Satan, vengeful, slanderer, one who deserves to burn in hell etc. etc. etc. Without any such wish on my part, this site got publicity far greater than any other site I had ever created, and you may have arrived here from a link on a site discussing this nasty incident.

While all this was blowing-up, I was out of the country for a month or so, and when I got back to open my email mailbox, I was shocked to see a deluge of threatening emails from people I had never known. They included (death) threats. One of them told me that money could buy anything, and that they would find out who I was, where I lived, and would come over to sort me out once and for all. Wow! For a month or so, I was watching over my shoulder all the time; luckily, I was living on a remote off-shore island.

Extracts from the emails:

I do not get it? What is this site for? What are you trying to prove?

It's clear that you have no background whatsoever about religion, so you
better respect yourselves and use your site in something better like
cartoons for example if you know what cartoons mean, if you don't ask
for help, it's better than living ignorant and telling people about it.
people who want to know about Islam or Christianity would know better
than to scan your meaningless trivial site.
I think you'll get sewed for it soon.

you 'll see the revenge of ALLAH

The published faked verses of Quran are an attack on the religion of Islam.
Sure it is a free Internet, but this action is truly a declaration of war on more than $1 Billion Muslims around the Globe.
We ask you as the site web master to please remove this offensive page from your site.
Muslims are very much hurt and furious for what is published.

Who are you?

uoy eid illw

Dear : sir
I have three questions
1-are you a jewish man ?
2-have you more?
3-why did you make this?

Get your false pretenses off the air.  The air was clean until this filth was
added.  You cannot hide behind freedom of speech or religion.  Such freedoms
do not include HATE CRIMES.  Unless this site is removed, legal action will be

I have read these fake verses and it is very obvious that they are fake and the
challenge of allah is still valid.  They can not produce a Sura Like it.  The
style is no way similar to Quran as they lake the natural beauty found in the
Quran.  There are also several grammatical mistakes in these verses and several
anti-christian verses, which by the way defeats the purpose.

Well wherever is written on this page is bull shit ....thanks

you man you cant make new quran .this which you had written ,will coast youalot .
i want to know your:
1 name
2 age
3 nationality
4 realjaion
5 and whatdo you want from islam
and go to hill

I bet to god that U R jewish as U R the only people in the world who are
sich enough and full of hatred to look down to any human race who is not
Do U think U R accomplishing anything by this. I want to correct U by
that because what U did and the writing proves that TRUTH survives and
hatred dies. Any stupid mind like yours will know who is behind the site
and that it is sick. Those who agree with what U did are also sick minds
that we as muslims do not care about opinions in the first place.
I ask Allah to punish you and cause you sickness in your fingers that
wrote these lies and make U feel the severity of the punishment. Then U
will know and late to know your lies of being God's chosen people.

If u would like a FARE site, why dont u get some scholar, chosen
by muslims not by u, and let him write the reasons for the challenge,
then u would beFARE!!!
One reason of my own suggestion, and im only 19, is, every verse of the
Quran has something usefull, and teaches us something, tell me by any
reason or any mean, what does the sentence about the pregnant woman tell
us!!!!!!! PATHETIC!!!!

This site is not acceptable.
You must close this site within 24 hours, or face the consequences.
Believe us, we can destroy you world.And we will,
Unless you close this site and it's mirrors.

May I know the source of your information, please?

You should be ashame of what you are doing .It shows how weak you are to
fight Islam in that way,but it will not harm our great religion because
Islam is growing very fast all over the world and the sun of the truth will
shine all over the world ,the sun of Islam .
You showed your malice towards human beings .  and the words you used
showed that you are an idiot ignorant person . The hell will be your place
in the Day of Judgement insha Allah .

You People do not know any thing about ISLAM
It is very unfair to tell people False information about ISLAM
What you wrote is not part of Qura'an it is part of your dirty minds
But Believe me... We will meet at the END and we will see Who was rightand who was wrong
I know that there is something behind that and there is something behind
the scene

I am impressed by your smartness or shall say by your stupidity in
cheaply trying to imitate the Quran. After I have read the garbage you
have wrote and posted, I laughed and laughed and laughed at your
challenge to the Quran which you miserably failed in achieving. The
reason is simple: what you have written can be uttered by an illiterate
Bedouin. In fact, an illiterate Bedouin can come up with better and more
eloquent prose than the filth you have posted. But the illiterate
Bedouin will never dare to say that what he uttered is Quran because he
knows that human beings are unable and will not be able to come up with
anything remotely similar to the Quran.
What you have written may confuse people like you with sick hearts and
minds. But anybody with sound mind will not be fooled by your filth and
will laugh at your stupidity.
Allah describe people like you of being deaf, blind and dumb who do not
understand anything.
I only feel sorry for you and your like because you and your like will
not be able to create and seed doubt in any believers heart and as a
result your life will be full of sorrow and misery. And in the
hereafter, you and your like will be fuel for the Hell fire in which you
will burn for eternity.
If you are courageous enough to imitate the Quran, then why are you not
courageous enough to reveal your identity. Are you afraid of people but
not from Allah who created you. Are you like the hypocrites in the time
of the Prophet who were scared of the Muslims but not from Allah who
knew what they were plotting against Islam.
Allah describe the work of the unbelievers like you in Sarat Al-noor:
"But the unbelievers, Their deeds like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, He finds it to be nothing: But he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: And Allah is swift in taking account.
Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: Depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it!
For any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light".
Quran, Surat Al-Noor (chapter: xxiv) verses: 39-40).
I advise you to repent and retract the filth you have posted in the
internet. In case you are not willing to do so, I pray to Allah to seed
sorrow and misry in your heart and make your life full of sorrow and
misery, Ameen.

It seems that you are intent on drawing flak.
Your site will be closed soon!

you don't know about sulman rushdi ,
You will be fucked like him.

When I read what your hand wrote, my believe in Allah become more strong , and I believe there is a huge place waiting for you in the hell. You can write whatever you want to write, but don't forget there will be a day you can not escape or hide. I as a Muslim , promise you as a looser , I'll ask Allah everyday to send his justice on you today before tomorrow.

what the fucking is going on here??????
r u crazy to do this shit?????
do u think that any one will believe u??????
i think that u r ass hole cuz if u have the corriege just say these
fucking words in public and u will be dead body after 2 seconds ..
hope that u can reply me to tell me what kind of idiots r u

little ignorant ,
i will not try to discuss with such ...... in this holy quran , your tries
were really very weak , and i laughed at first . if u want to be like
salman roshdi then go on , and this time not only shee'a but also sonna
will try to clean the world from you .

We are this close to locating the people who've created this web-site
You'd better hope they can find somewhere safe to hide once we publish
their information. ALL PARTIES INVOLVED in the dissemination of this
material will be PROSECUTED! You'd better believe it. I wish you all the
luck in trying to keep your identities confidential because there's
NOTHING money can't buy!

I don't know what is your religion or nationality ...
but i promise you to remove all your fuckin pages ...
i swear .. and you will see ...

Dear Sir,
Please read this message if you are the man who did those Quran like sites:
The first question, and important one, why you put yourself in this situation, how
could you challenge the Great GOD??
It's normal and a lot of people don't believe in religions, but no one of them try to
challenge the GOD!!
Did you read the quran well?? Please do this, and you will see the difference between
what you wrote and the holy Quran
Quran is not just words.. no no no, quaran is great message is great rules is great
mircles, it's contains a lot of scientific discoverments which is just descovered in the
recent time.. it talkes about the past, the future.. HOW CAN DID LIKE THIS??
Thanks to god that you can understand arabic well, please try to read it carefully... and
you will see the effects on your hearts (I
hope GOD help you to do so)
it's your chance to do this.. please read it and tell me your un baised comments
Waiting for your reply
Best wishes

good morning.
I want to know, what your message is by maintenance that site.
Do you realize the influence to moslems ?

Dear anonymous plagiarist
While I agree that people are free to express their opinions on the
internet and should not have their web sites closed over objections
from an outraged minority, I'd like to draw you attention to the
following points that makes that web site worthy of being shut down:
1) The author of this web site has "ripped off" the prose style of
Islam's holy book, the Quran, and actually wanted it to sound
like the Quran for obvious "deceptive" reasons. Unfortunately,
he did it in such a lame way that his was pure laughable anathema.
2) The author is obviously an Arab Christian who is eager to "lie
and deceive" to polarize people of another faith to his belief.
Proselytizing is ok. Lying, deceiving and plagiarizing is NOT.
3) The so-called suras should NOT have been called "suras" because
this is an Islamic terminology that applies "solely" to the Quran.
Those fake suras are very LAME and were written in a very pro-Christian
stance with a Middle-Agish crusading spirit.
4) If the author wants to discredit other people's holy book, why
didn't he do it in an honest and civilized manner, instead of sneaking
an anonymous web site with overt defamatory and deceptive material?
5) Finally, if 1400 years of relentless crusades and ferocious attempts
to discredit and defame the Quran and Islam have failed, what makes the
author of this lame web site think that he can do better?
Allah says, "Surely We have sent down thikr (Quran), and (surely) We will
protect it from corruption".
The only result this web site has achieved is convince Muslims more than ever
the Quran is the veritable and true word of God, Allah. No one could ever
imitate it
because Allah already challenged mankind and Jinn to provide a sura equal in
and knowledge. The author of this web site failed miserably.
His knowledge of Arabic is very LAME at best.
On the Day of Judgment, Issa (Jesus) will distance himself from so-called
Allah will ask him if he had asked people to worship him and he would say,
Never could I say what I had no right to say." (Refer to Quran, chapter 5,
verses 110-117)
I would like to remind the author of this web site of a famous Arab proverb:
"The caravan passes, dogs bark".DOGS BARK.

The hate can only bread more hate, it does not matter to me who wrote this
garbage, what matters is that YOU are the one who presenting it on your
site, I kindly ask you to remove this offensive materials from your site.
any one is free to express his/her views, however, spreading lies and
altering the facts to hurt group of people is an offensive action.

Dear Sirs,
The Koranic verses were great.....
if u have more please e.mail me....

I don't like to challenge,
wel we can start a war of cultures and religion and itīs real easy to do that. We don't
misform your holly boeks and we don't like you to do that.
To start a cultural war is easy because........ you also know why?

Answer to the claims that Anyone can immitate the Quran
The only answer I can give you is that I or any one can write things
like those you have written and call suras but still no one can write
anything like Quran. I didn't know that there are still silly people
like you who think that the meaning of God's challenge to human and
spirits is as simple as to just immitate some of the words and meanings
the way you did, there were many poetes and people who knows Arabic
language rules and write peoms at the time of the prophet Muhammed a lot
better then the way you immitated the Quran suras but no one was able to
prove anything.
Although I don't know the arabic language grammar well but no sir your
claimed suras are not similar to the Quran, for the feeling is different
while reading both pieces, the flow of words is different, there is
something wrong in yours.
Anyone who reads both pieces will surely recognize which one is from
the Quran. Although you have taken the Quran as a refrence and tried
Thanks for proving me that no one can immitate the Quran.
And I don't care whether you believe this or not.

You may find it is difficult, but let me know your address to send you
some support.

As i know u put fake quran verses and from the starting (title) of your
pagem, u r chalinging God in the ability of making Quran verses( as u
ade them or not). But u forgot someting a littel kid did forget, that
the meracle of Quran is not in it's way of writting only, no ,  in Quran
every letter is put in an optimal way, u cann't replace any word with
another or u'll get another meaning not that required.For example, in
one surat there is a statement "noor ala noor", which means "light on
light", some said that word "ala" can be the meaning of "with or on" but
if it's true, so why not butting word "with (in arabic m'a, which is a 2
letters less than ala which is 3 letters", but the meaning will be
different as "on" in it's place meabs that there the world lights (come
from son, lamps,..etc) and there a light above it is the light of God
(the believing and guiding of Allah ).
Anyway, we sent objection to Geocities as don before with AOL tell
removing the mirror and i think ur page will be removed also from
Geocities because it violates the conditions of them.

Dear stone head sir
your head is haversack of olde shoses ..
That's all what can i west my time with you .

You are AWESOME ... thank you so much for mirroring the website ... thankyou for upholding our right to speak / thank you for upholding the rightto free press !

Tripod has reason to believe that this is a fraudulent membership.




I took the pages off the site, largely because Clearly, although not representative of every single Muslim, these replies to a small reply to a Quranic command shows me that this challenge is quite futile today, for the reasons stated above - these replies seem (to me) to confirm my view.

If the verses were so unlike the Quran, then why did Arabic newspaper articles refer to them as "false verses"?

If the verses were so unlike the Quran, then why so much enmity, hostility and aggression against one who may be simply executing S2:23 - "And if you are in doubt as to what has been revealed from time to time...", as a way of coming into the fold of Islam?  One of them even said "It shows how weak you are to fight Islam in that way"! (my emphasis)

If someone were to actually produce a sura like it today, then would the Muslims listen and pay attention? No, - judging from the survey of emails I received. So why would anyone bother?

No-one gave a clear objective account of why the verses are not fulfilling the challenge. Where people have stated reasons, they tend to say how wonderful the Quran is (giving examples) and how these verses are a pathetic failure. But without explaining why they are a failure. I don't speak Arabic, I'm not a scholar, so why don't you explain it to me. You can assume I have total ignorance, but great intelligence.

If your blood is still boiling while reading this, then - relax. Please. There's no need to start sending offensive emails again, as it only makes you look silly. You can write to me at, but only if you really, really, really feel you have to. If you send me death threats, then I will send you junk mail and subscribe your email to every irrelevant mailing list I can. Be warned.

I am a practicing Muslim, active in the Islamic dawah, and I believe the Quran to be from Allah; but the reason for my belief is not derived from any argument about the style and eloquence of the text.

The verses:

More material on this subject Here [Home]

18 January 1999

Part 2: A really ridiculous situation

The muslim community on the internet is really strange. It's "schizophrenic", really. There is so much that is good about islam on the internet, yet at the same time, there is so much that is just strange!

There is a page out there - which claims to be the page of the author of the "Sura(s) Like It". He confesses to being the author of the texts:

"Alot of muslims has visited my Two sites which
Contains the Faked Quran and here is the addresses : ..... 
( Removed Yesterday ( 22.06.98 ) .. Thanks alot for Tripod )"

"My Two sites"...? Really!

I don't know who this joker is, but he claims that a Jew gave him $5000 to write the texts and put them on those 2 sites. Further, he claims that on the second site ( he has put more verses than in the first because after opening the first site, he gained access to further verses which he published:

"you'll see in the second address more Verses
( Faked Verses ) .. I didn't write them, but 
after publishing the first site alot of Islam 
enemies in the World sent me some of their 
Faked Verses and they asked me to publish it."

This is quite incredible. Literally. I don't know how or why this person claims this, because it is totally untrue. Unless I am mistaken, this is totally false. I know this, because I am the one that opened the second site. Not him.

Someone please ask him why it is called "/~question24". The answer will surely be fascinating. Especially when my email address thoughout this saga has been ""...!

 18 January 1999
