Here you will find references to many books, most of which are on my bookshelf at home. I will introduce briefly to each book according to topic. Thanks to you can obtain a discounted copy of the book by clicking on the book. By doing so, you'll reach the page where you can get your own. If you get and ready any of these books, please let me know what you think. I might (if you want) post your Email, and start a discussion. 
The Bookshelf is divided in
Books On the Shelf (which I have read) | Books on the Desk (which I am reading ) [coming soon]|
The NightStand (fiction)

God -- Jesus: Historical -- Jesus: Christology -- Bible: General Introduction (OT, NT)-- Genesis -- Gospels: General and sub-index. 
God --
God: A BiographyJ.Miles: GOD: A BIOGRAPHY  
I found out about this book by reading the New York Time Book Reviews. As I was reading the articles I realized the I was getting more and more excited by the idea of reading the Bible's major character, God, by using only the literary approach. I got a copy almost right away, and I was glad. 
History of GodK.Armstrong, History of God  
Only the first chapters of this book refer to God in the biblical text. The rest of the book continues the careful analysis of God through the history of civilazation. It's a tough reading, yet I will keep the book on the shelf. It's a superb job, and an indespensable reference
Marcus Borg: The God We Never Knew : Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Authentic Contemporary Faith  
 This is a book that I read in a more spritual way. It brings into focus why we study God in the first place. As in my case, the God I study and teach about is the same on I worship. Borg brings this dimension within a more systematic approach. If I had to pick only one book for the summer, I'd pick this one. 
She who Is  She Who Is : The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse by Elizabeth A. Johnson. I had the privilege to be student of the author. She's incredible. The book was "Winner of the $150,000 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion." This says it all. 
James P. Sterba -- Morality in Practice (5th Ed.)
Social Ethics : Morality and Social Policy by Thomas A. Mappes, Jane S. Zembaty


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