Writer's Cramp Easy Requirements

First realize the following:
- WC can't pay you (no one pays us).
- You maintain the copyright (of course).
- Avoid sending Beatles stories. (We are tired of them).
- Spell check your files please.
- Make sure your text is grammatically the way you want it. (We will
not edit your grammar.)
- Make sure your text is punctuated the way you want it. (We will not
fix bad punctuation.)
There is no faster way to be rejected for publication than to turn
in sloppy writing.
- Send in your file (Put your name and e-mail address in the file, so
we do not lose it).
- One of us (me or a cohort) will read it.
- If it is approved you will be notified as to when it will go in the
fiction gallery or the poetry gallery.
- Stories remain up for about one month unless nothing is submitted for
a while.
E-mail stories and poetry to
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This page created on May 24, 1998.
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