General Terms: the Basics
The left column contains links to Specific
Terms related to the appropriate subject.
Terms in a Fixed
Width font
style, indicate terms listed elsewhere in the related subject group.
Pagan, Paganism |
any of a number of religions, beliefs and/or philosophies not considered
acceptable by mainstream society; includes but not limited to:
Druidism, Celtic, Wicca, Norse, Thelema, Polyamorism, Shamanism,
Psychic Phenomena, Magick, Tantra, Satanism, if I missed something
tell me
anyone that believes, follows or practices any of the above mentioned religions,
philosophies or beliefs
any act, symbol or icon connected to any of the above
NOT "People Against Goodness And Normalcy"... thank you "Dragnet"
Wicca, Wiccan |
any of a number of earth-based religions that have at the core of the belief
the concept of a triple goddess; maiden, mother, crone
anyone that follows any of the above mentioned religions
of, or having to do with any of the above mentioned religions
Druid, Druidic, Druidism |
any of a number of earth-based religions that have at the core of the belief
a focus on plants, animals and the surrounding envirorment
this path was followed primarily by Europeans until destroyed
by Romans; now followed by people from all over the world
anyone that follows any of the above mentioned religions
of, or having to do with any of the above mentioned religions
Norse, Nordic |
any of a number of religions that have at the core of the belief a focus
on the Pantheon that stems from Nothern Europe; Odin,
Thor, Freya, Valhalla, et al
anyone that follows any of the above mentioned religions
of, or having to do with any of the above mentioned religions
Thelema, Thelemic |
any of a number of religious beliefs that have at the core of the belief
a focus on the use of Magick through the use of the heirarchy of the Christian
anyone that follows any of the above mentioned beliefs
of, or having to do with any of the above mentioned beliefs
Polyamory, Polyamorous |
"..tends to focus around the basic tenet that one person can like, love,
be attracted to, be involved with, and/or partners, etc. with more than
one person."
"..This does not imply that those who are polyamorous
require more than one partner in order to be satisfied or happy."
Thanks goes out to Dartanyan Hetrick <>
for pointing out the blunder dealing with "PolyARMORy" which, as he put
it ".. would be the study of multiple forms of defense or protection."
Thanks! For more information
on contributors, see the Credits page
Shaman, Shamanic, Shamanism |
any of a number of earth-based philosphies that have at the core of the
belief a focus on plants, animals, the surrounding envirorment, and the
individuals place in the whole
followed by native peoples, this is the path of the perverbial
"witch doctor"; though not limited to those peoples
anyone that follows any of the above mentioned beliefs
of, or having to do with any of the above mentioned beliefs
Psychic, Psi,
Psychic Phenomena |
the ability to affect the world around you by thought
any of a number of different types of such effects; ESP, OBE, PK, TK,
Telepathy, et al
one that has such ability; whether it be known or unknown, and consciously
or unconsiously controlled
i.e. everyone
typically, when one is called a Psychic, their talent
is active, though not necessarily controlled
For the purpose of these pages:
the use of internal energy to affect the environment
external to the user
Magick, Magik, Majic, Majik,
Magical, Magickal, Mage |
the affecting the world around you by invoking/ evoking/ conjuring/
summoning something other than the self to produce the desired effect;
usually involves the use of symbols, implements, incantations
and/or actions
any of a number of symbols, tools, etc. pertaining to the Art of Magick
one that is a practioner of said affects
For the purpose of these pages:
the use of external energy to affect the environment
external to the user
Satanism, Satanic |
any of a number of religions/philosophies that have at the core of the
belief a focus on doing the opposite of what is taught by the Christian
Doctrine; indulgence instead of abstanence
not necessarily "evil;" although they tend to hit back
instead of turning the other cheek, they know full well that the rest of
them will do the same
anyone that follows any of the above mentioned religions/philosophies
of, or having to do with any of the above mentioned religions/philosophies
Community, Communal |
For the purpose of these pages:
of or having to do with the people that are Pagan, by the
definition here
used as a proper noun at APeX
the link at left is to more APeX Specific terms; words
or phrases that may only have common use on these pages.
Doctrine |
the core of a specific belief, i.e. the principles taught that one attempts
to live by: e.g. the Christian Doctrine