A Tribute to Lorain High School

"The sun always shines...."

Welcome to the Lorain High Page !!!

A lasting memorial to a wonderful school !!!

June 4th, 2004

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Hi from Lori & Rich!
Thanks for visiting!

Welcome to the Lorain High Page, finally accessed and primed for updating on June 4th, 2004! We are currently in the process of obtaining a new site for Lorain High which will be easier to access.

Feel free to browse around, and make sure you check out the NEW Lorain High Message Board. You can access this by clicking below.

View or Post to the *NEW* LHS Message Board!

Unfortunately, we had to remove the old message board from this site due to continual problematic postings from immature people. This new board will allow us to screen things more closely. Thanks for your continued support and visits, we really appreciate it!

You can still access the Lorain High poll, which asks about your feelings toward the future demolition of this landmark. Thoughts for this poll can be sent to: lorainhigh@aol.com. You can access the poll below.

Vote In Our Poll!

Current Poll Results!

Also, we are still working on the information pages that you have all submitted to us.
An example of what this page will look like is below:
Information Page Example

Thanks for visiting and thanks for helping to make this the BEST school tribute page on the Web!!!

We have corrected the errors on the form section of the Links pages, so if you had problems sending us your information, please try again.

You can send us your LHS info on one of the following pages:

Links Page One (1879-1979)
or Links Page Two (1980-1998)

Also, please keep in mind that the information does NOT get posted automatically.

We are currently working hard to add and update all the information we have received from all of our visitors. Also, the Sports Page is still under construction. If you have any information, ideas for new pages you would like to see, or any other questions, comments, or suggestions,
PLEASE e-mail us at LorainHigh@aol.com

-- Lori Riegel-Kapalin (class of 1976) & Rich Kapalin Click on the graphic to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site.
Starting Point

On August 28th, 1998, on behalf of Lorain High School, we proudly accepted the following award:

Family-Friendly Site


LHS Alma Mater

Lyrics: Jesse Hamman (1917-B)
Music: Griffith J. Jones

<BGSOUND SRC="lhs.mid" LOOP="INFINITE"> On the shores of old Lake Erie,
Where the coal and iron meet,
Stands our dear old Lorain High School,
Full of joy and mem'ries sweet.
And the spirit that we find there
Growing up so strong and true,
Brings us back to friendships made there.
L.H.S. we stand for you.

Lorain High School, Lorain High School,
We'll always think of you;
And no matter what befalls us,
Lorain High we'll e'er be true.

When our days of school are over
And a name we try to make,
Back to us will come those mem'ries
Of the High School by the lake.
Then we'll long to see the teachers
Who have helped us on our way,
Oh, we love you, Alma Mater!
L.H.S., by you we'll stay.
Lorain High School, Lorain High School,
We'll always think of you;
And no matter what befalls us,
Lorain High we'll e'er be true.

We have had

visitors to this site since this new counter was added on August 17th, 2002.

You can get your own free counter by visiting digits.com.
Just click the image below this sentence.


 The History of L.H.S.  
 Links Page One(1879-1979)  
 Links Page Two (1980-1998)  
 Reunion Page  
 Sports Page  
 Fight Song Page  
 Other Great Pages  

Copyright 2004 by  Lori Riegel-Kapalin & Rich Kapalin