I am a Muslim
No , I am not a terrorist....
did you know that my Prophet
prevented us from killing
women and children
and priests
and the bringing down of trees?
He is not only MY Prophet
he is your Prophet too!
Please read on further
maybe you'll find a clue.......
I am sure that by now the media has done it's job in giving Islam a bad picture and name. Many people picture Islam as "some middle eastern culture" or maybe even a "middle eastern mafia". Anyway , we thank Allah for teaching us what we did not know . Thanks to Him many people who want to know about Islam are now only a few "clicks" away
Remember, Islam calls people to worship the One and Only God . The One people of all creeds call in prayer when in Danger . He is the same One that Jesus Christ (May The Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon him) prostrated for and called in prayer . Islam does not call people to practice some new (or old) doctrine that tackles a person's intelligence. It means : "Submission" to the One and only Lord of the universe . Don't fear being mocked at for wanting to read about the Truth and don't forget that the ones who are mocked at are usually the ones doing good. Isn't that what all the Prophet's of God suffered from ???? Another point that I would like to clarify is that I am not attempting to force you into my religion because Allah (Most High) tells us in The Holy Quran:"There is no compulsion in religion" Chapter # 2, Verse # 256.
Some "answered questions" attempt by me.....
1) Q. Why do muslim women wear a head scarf?
A. Didn't Mary(pbuh) cover her hair? ie it is only a form of chastity.
2)Q. Why do muslims have beards?
A. Didn't all Prophets of God have beards?
3)Q. Why are muslim men allowed to marry up to four wives?
A. Why did God allow more than one prophet to have 60-900 wives?
It is all a matter of getting to know more about this Religion that attracts people of all races, nations and social status. The Religion that The God of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (pbut) chose for mankind
Mary(mother of Jesus) (the
name of one of the chapters in The Holy Quran) A good self explanatory
Marie french translation (of meaning)
Maria spanish translation (of meaning)
4) Maria
german translation (of meaning)
The Names and Attributes of God
A Canadian Woman's View on the Hijab
Where can I get Islamic books?
Why Women Are Turning to Islam / The View of a Christian Convert
11) Introducing Islam
from the Islamic Awareness page
The non-muslim's Home page
13) A
Canadian scientist
finds referrences to embryology in The Quran This man openly anounced
his belief that the Quran is The Word of God
QURAN AND MODERN SCIENCE Maurice Buccaile from the French Academy of Medicine a distinguished scientist
The Qur’an and Modern Science
Extracts from the video "The Truth"
The changing perception of Islam in American pluralistic society
Introduction resources on Islam
18)Benefits of becoming a Muslim
The best Knowledge ( Quran and Hadith)
20) Where can I get Islamic books?
21) Stories of new Muslims
22) How does this
"Quran" sound by the way? even though you don't understand Arabic I
am sure that listeneng to this will at least carve a special memory in
your heart.
23) Call
TOLL- and ask about all you wanted to ask about
Islam !
I hope you benefitted too
Comments & suggestions are welcome
and so are you