Happy Halloween

About Halloween | Howloween Sing-a-Long | Halloween Links | Witchy Links | Halloween Graphics

Laughing Pumpkin Where does a ghost go on Saturday night?

Haloween Tree All Hallowtide (Samhain) begins the Celtic pagan ritual calendar. At this time the worlds of matter and the spirit draw close enough for the spirits of the dead to pass to and fro and also signals the end of harvest in a celebration marked by the sharing of food with ancestors. The Christian church, circa 781 ce, established November 1 as All Saints' Day to honor the saints who did not have an assigned feast day in the church calendar. The mass held on All Saints' Day was called Allhallowmas (the mass of all hallows -- saintly people) and the night before came to be known as All Hallow Even, or Hallowe'en. In the tenth century, November 2, All Soul's Day, was set as a day of solemn prayer for departed souls.

Laughing Pumpkin Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party?


Howloween Sing-a-Long

Just a little Howloween Song
Clap your claws to L'il Creepy Jane
For your paw-tapping pleasure On Top of Old Spooky

Laughing Pumpkin What is a mummy's favorite musical genre?


Halloween Links

Halloween 2000 - http://home.att.net/~ffr0124/Halloween/halloween.htm
Carefully designed page with good safety tips for youngsters.
About the Day of the Dead in Mexico - http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/feature/daydeadindex.html
For your transcultural edification.
Ben&Jerry's Halloween Page - http://www.benjerry.com/halloween/index.html
Includes games, crafts and the flavor graveyard.
Castle of Spirits - http://www.castleofspirits.com/
Over 900 ghost stories to read here.
Halloween Fun for Kids (safe sites) - http://rats2u.com/halloween/halloween_kids.htm
Games, safety tips and other innocuous activities.
Halloween Recipes from the Crisco Kitchen - http://www.criscokitchen.com/halloween.html
Your ancestors have a sweet tooth? Try the Fruit Peek A Boos and the Goblin Goodies.


Laughing Pumpkin What do you call two witches who live together?

Covenant of the Goddess Web Page

New York City Pagan Resource Guide

Wiccan, Witch and Pagan Web Sites

Witchy Links Halloween Cat

The last evening in October was 'old-year's night' the night of all the witches. OED


Laughing Pumpkin Why doesn't Dracula have any friends?


Halloween Graphics

123 Halloween Cards - http://www.123greetings.com/events/halloween/jack_o_lanterns/
Neat animated seasonal greeting cards.
Free graphics from Kelly and Cindy's Place - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8149/hal-graphics.html
Some used on this page are from this site.
Halloween Eternal - http://home.rmci.net/gatemi/
Offers graphhics, takes a while to load.
Halloween Wallpaper - http://www.12c4.com/bestbest/haloween.htm
At least (count 'em) 1206 pages.
The Pumpkin Patch - http://www.backyardgardener.com/pump.html
The little jokester pumpkins are from here.

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©1999, 2000,2001 Joan A. Andersen All Rights Reserved.
Revised: 09/24/2001