05/09/00 15:19:14
Name: Kim Chambers | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 40 | Where do you presently worship: Broadway Church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky |
How did you hear of our Home Page: simply searching "Church of Chirst" |
Keep up the good work in spreading the Word of God. My prayers are with you. If I ever travel through the Kansas City area I will make time to visit.
In Christian Love,
Kim Chambers
04/24/00 03:40:53
Name: Kristen Bryant | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
Where do you presently worship: St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Holden, Missouri | How did you hear of our Home Page: Searching through Yahoo Search |
I like your web page. I think it would be even neater if you would add your church buletin, so then we could know what was going on in you parish. Very good, I liked the sermons and other things.
02/06/00 19:31:05
Name: Anne Robbins | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 37 |
Where do you presently worship: Faith Word Center | How did you hear of our Home Page: search engine |
I just wanted to say hello. Our evangelistic ministry is based in Belton, MO. We have a music ministry. It has a Southern Gospel flair. God bless you in your ministry.
10/03/99 04:07:32
Name: Robert E. Cahoon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 48 |
Where do you presently worship: Where I walk. | How did you hear of our Home Page: Internet. |
Happy Marriages for Students
08/24/99 12:04:30
My URL: Visit Me |
03/19/99 20:35:45
Name: Bob Calvert | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 52 |
Where do you presently worship: First Baptist Church of Smithville | How did you hear of our Home Page: Yahoo Search Engine |
Great Website
02/11/99 21:35:11
Name: Charles Gibson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 73 |
Where do you presently worship: Nacogdoches, Tex | How did you hear of our Home Page: surfing |
I lived and preached in K.C. for 10 years. Hickman Mills congregation. Used to know many folk in the Raymore area. Will be in K.C. in
sept. for a reunion of my wartime unit. Will try and visit then, if we are there for service time.
01/11/99 01:26:23
Name: Dennis Rogers | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 17 |
Where do you presently worship: Calvary Christian Fellowship in Brighton, Indiana | How did you hear of our Home Page: I'm your geoneighbor |
Nice page but you need a geoguide to prevent popup ads, I run the page next to yours.
01/07/99 18:27:30
Name: marvin lewis, jr. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 27 |
Where do you presently worship: church of christ-downtown; grand rapids, mich | How did you hear of our Home Page: link |
12/24/98 19:30:55
Name: Iván Raymore | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 30 |
Hello friends, my name is Ivan Raymores, I contacted you because im tryng to know the origins of my last name. The final "s" was added to my generation (it sounds more spanical), but my grandfather´s lastname is Raymore. I will apprecciate any helpfull in
God bless you all!!!
10/25/98 12:11:49
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
09/12/98 17:27:16
Name: Natalie Denny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 20 |
Where do you presently worship: South 63 Church of Christ Rolla, MO | How did you hear of our Home Page: search on Yahoo |
09/04/98 21:57:27
Name: herbert l collett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 60 |
Where do you presently worship: Noblesville | How did you hear of our Home Page: You |
Will we ever hear from you again?
07/28/98 14:24:14
Name: Cheryl Bagby | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 43 |
Where do you presently worship: Church of Christ-Joshua Tree, Ca | How did you hear of our Home Page: Looking for web page for Warrensburg Mo, James Smith, old friend |
We have just been approached to put an ad on the
web page for joshuatreevillage.com for our congregation. We have been meeting for almost 1 year and have grown from 6 people to 30-35 on Sunday morning, 25 Sunday nite. If everyone is in town! I enjoyed your site. Looking for ideas to
"spruce up" ours, I'm real new at this. I need allthe help I can get. James Smith was the preacher at Warrensburg and is now in Seminole Texas, he had a web page in Missouri thought I'd take a peek. Glad to have found you!
07/19/98 22:01:20
Name: PATRICK D RICH | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 23 | Where do you presently worship: WILLETTE CHURCH OF CHRIST |
07/09/98 01:56:26
Name: Roy L. King | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 57 |
Where do you presently worship: Jerusalem Church of Christ | How did you hear of our Home Page: found it thru some links |
I publish a bulletin for our church and am always trying to find articles for the bulletin. We mail all over the US and to some denominational families so when I can find articles that will teach Gods word I am always interested. Some articles I have f
und are really out in left field
I do appreciate it when I can find something useful to send to our people. Keep up the good work and may God bless you and your efforts.
In Christian Love
Jerusalem, Ar.
Church of Christ
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 21:48:07
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
06/25/98 14:57:01
Name: Jim Parker | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 44 |
Where do you presently worship: Poteau Ok, | How did you hear of our Home Page: Yahoo |
I am currently in the process of designing a
website for our congregation, and I love looking
at what others are doing for the Lord with this
medium. God Bless and keep up the good fight!
06/14/98 19:50:28
Name: David Burgins | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 43 |
Where do you presently worship: Mack Rd. CoC-Sacto.,CA | How did you hear of our Home Page: link |
Tried to view your work, but to no avail. However, I'm sure you are doing your best to glorify God. Keep up your work For His sake. Your page must have been designed for computer owners. My wife, Clara, and I are using web tv which sometimes cannot downlo
d certain pages.
05/13/98 17:36:35
Name: Charles Gwaze | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 25 |
Where do you presently worship: nowhere at the moment. I am a student in England. | How did you hear of our Home Page: just browsing |
I think you are doing good work. I am hoping for a day i will get back to my local church back home in Zimbabwe
Greetings to everyone and God bless
05/07/98 13:56:25
Name: Larry L. Vaughn | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 46 |
Where do you presently worship: Hickman Mills | How did you hear of our Home Page: friend |
Johnny enjoyed seeing that you have a web page for the congregation at Raymore. Keep up the good work.
05/02/98 14:59:42
Name: Joe B. Ward | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 41 |
Where do you presently worship: Higgensville Mo. | How did you hear of our Home Page: Yahoo search |
You have a very nice sight here. I have been looking all over to see how the Church is working on the internet.
05/02/98 06:03:00
Name: Brian Swaim | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 17 |
Where do you presently worship: Quartz Hill Church of Christ | How did you hear of our Home Page: Just surfed on |
Nice page. I enjoy seeing other Christian's web pages. I hope and pray that you continue the ministry in your area save many souls.
04/26/98 18:35:47
Name: Philip B. Douthitt
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 42
Where do you presently worship: Mat-Su church of Christ, Palmer Alaska
How did you hear of our Home Page: WEB's WEB Page
If you or any of your members are in the Anchorage area, please feel free to contact me at (907) 696-8885.
04/13/98 01:58:53
Name: becky
My URL: Visit Me
Age: 30
Where do you presently worship: st louis mo
How did you hear of our Home Page: search
I wish more churches of Christ had web pages! Great job!
12/20/97 20:42:23
Name: Joyce Gillaspie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 45
Where do you presently worship: CedartownChurch of Christ
How did you hear of our Home Page: search,yahoo
Nice site! Would love to see more sermons and articles to download.. Please visit our site and sign the guestbook too. Let's flood the internet with COC web pages! Joyce
12/14/97 05:05:52
Name: S.R. Cronk
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 30
How did you hear of our Home Page: web search
Originally from Northwest Missouri. May stop in to see you on the next visit home. God Bless.
11/09/97 03:06:51
Name: Leland Huntsman Sr
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 55
Where do you presently worship: Cook Inlet Church of Christ Anchorage, Alaska
How did you hear of our Home Page: web search
11/09/97 03:06:47
Name: Leland Huntsman Sr
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 55
Where do you presently worship: Cook Inlet Church of Christ Anchorage, Alaska
How did you hear of our Home Page: web search
11/09/97 03:04:29
Name: Leland Huntsman Sr
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 55
Where do you presently worship: Cook Inlet Church of Christ Anchorage, Alaska
How did you hear of our Home Page: web search
08/27/97 02:15:44
Name: Glenn Peterson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 46
Where do you presently worship: Oconomowoc, WI
How did you hear of our Home Page: A search
07/30/97 22:16:10
Name: Wes Topel
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 26
Where do you presently worship: Pineville Church of Christ
How did you hear of our Home Page: Johnny Collett
Hello, Raymore Church of Christ. Greetings from Louisiana.
07/29/97 21:15:00
Name: Scott Perkins
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 29
Where do you presently worship: N. College C of C Auburn AL
Very nicely done homepage Johnny.
May the Lord bless all of you in your efforts to
spread the word of God.