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Feature Article (New 1/17/99)
We are a local, independent group of Christians who strive to follow only what the Bible authorizes. We are organized after the same pattern of local congregations in the New Testament (cf. Philippians 1:1).
elders (pastors, overseers): Fred Pollock, Randy Taylor
deacons: Chris Bronner, Gene Dodd, Bob Haney, Alan Lindsey, David McCoy, Doy Moyer, Tom Spargo, Anthony Spriggs, Ray Zeilman
Our primary concern is that of teaching the word of God. We do not seek financial support from anyone outside of the group. Our own members support our work through free-will contributions. All of our offers for Bible studies, correspondence courses, and tracts are free to those who ask.
For more information on who we are, see the tract:
What is the
church of Christ meeting on Mill Road?
For access to articles and Biblical studies, please visit:
Sunday: 9:45 am (Bible study), 10:40 am, 6:00 pm
Wednesday Bible study at 7:30 pm
All are welcome to attend any of these classes and assemblies.
Just north of Cincinnati, in Forest Park, Ohio
From I-75 going north (from Cinti), take 275 West to exist 39; go south on Winton. Turn right on Kemper and go to the 2nd light at Mill Road. Take a left, and the building is on the left a couple hundred yards.
Address: 11626 Mill Road, Forest Park, OH 45240
Phone: (513) 742-5300
God has a definite need for strong men and women in His church - men who can bear their heavy burdens in days that may be dark and difficult. If a person has never been disciplined to faithful performance of duty, he is totally unprepared for the trying realities of godly living. Dependability must be developed in every sphere; yea, even in things that seem small and insignificant. Our Lord taught:
He that is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much: and he that is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in much (Luke 16:10).
He then illustrated this fact by showing that if we are not faithful in the use of money, how could we expect to be entrusted with the true riches? Or if we are not dependable in the use of another's goods, can God expect us to be dependable in our own? Dependability is the key thought in our Lord's illustrations. Being dependable in the use of money is a simple way of determining whether one will be dependable in other things. How we care for that which is another's is an insight into the character of a person.
The church is faced with trying time. There will be every conceivable temptation and excuse for one to be negligent or unfaithful. The fact of the matter is that many will prove unfaithful. The reason for this will be that they have not disciplined themselves to be absolutely dependable in every circumstance in life. Therefore, it ought to be the iron-clad determination of every Christian and of every boy and girl to practice faithfulness and dependability in ever portion of his life. Even though your task seems small and insignificant, be dependable in it. If there is the temptation to pass over a things hurriedly because you think that it will not really matter, overcome that urge and do a good job.
David proved himself dependable in all of his actions of early life. He was dependable as a shepherd. Even when such a notable person as Samuel was calling upon the family of Jesse with a most important mission, David was keeping the sheep (1 Sam. 16:11). David was dependable as a musician. He was not content to be just mediocre as a harpist. He was "cunning" in his playing; he played "well." Too many are satisfied if they learn only a few tunes or chords. Not so with David - he was dependable! No wonder then that he was "a man after God's own heart"! No wonder that he made such a powerful king over Israel!
Our prayer can well be: "God, give us men and women who are dependable. Give us men of conviction and determination to stay with God's way when it may seem that all mankind are vacillating and turning away. God, open our eyes and our hearts that we may see the need of dependability!" (1971) -- Forrest D. Moyer
If you have any questions, or would like
to have an on-line Bible study, or be added to our mailing list, please
contact us at:
By e-mail: Doy Moyer (tdoy@usa.net)
Albert Dickson (adick@earthlink.net)
or write to us:
The church of Christ11626 Mill Road
Forest Park, Ohio 45240
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Last Update: 1-17-1999
since 1-9-1997