Garden Entrance

Enter the Garden of such earthly delights, let the grass be your pillow, and the sky be your blanket as the stars shine so brightly above you, as if to blanket you in their heavenly brilliance. As you ponder on life and of love, let the scent of the roses and carnations permeate all your senses with their soft sweetness. For who has brought to us such wonder and delight, that we may come here to meditate and be enchanted by such beautiful surroundings? The man of the stars and the heavens. He created these worldy delights so that we may come here to be renewed and refreshed for eternity.

Allow your self to linger along the brooks and meadows so lush and so green, sounds so barley audible, you can almost hear someone whisper your name? Who might it be? The one who has made all of this possible, the creator of love, beauty and life. He beckons us in the Garden and gives us strength for the journey. If you will, you may enter the Maze, along with the Garden you may find them to be two opposing forces, but yet, they are one, because we must constantly renew ourselves, and get rid of the hazes and dissapointments of the day, and then retreat back to the Garden to become refreshed and truly alive in spirit, creativity and love for all living beings, The Garden is not just a playground, but more of a sanctuary of enchantment.

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