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Introduction To NazRing
You have spent hours perfecting a great Church of the Nazarene page for the web. You have sent e-mail to everyone you know asking them to check it out. Now, you wish there was some way to increase traffic to your page. NazRing is exactly what you are looking for!
What is a "Ring?"
On the World Wide Web, a "ring" is a group of pages on the same topic that reference one another. For instance, you might find a great page on fishing and at the bottom of that page there will be a link to another fishing page, and there another link, and so on. NazRing does just that for Church of the Nazarene sites on the web.
Does it cost anything?
No. There is no charge of any kind, aside from what your web space provider charges for your web space and maintance already. This is a mutually beneficial relationship, not a money making scheme.
Who is in charge of this?
The Ring Master G.R. "Scott" Cundiff , pastor of the Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Borger, Texas. The ring server is Webring.
Who can get on the NazRing?
NazRing is for Church of the Nazarene related sites only. You must be willing and able to make the changes to your web page which are described below. Click Here to see a list of all the pages already on the ring.
What do I need to do to be on the NazRing?
Fill in the following form, then press the "Add to Queue" Button below:
Be sure to note your password for future reference.
Now select one of the "nazring.gif's" below, and save it to disk. You will
need to put the .gif in the same directory as your Web page -- name it:

NazRing Gif with White Background

NazRing Gif with Transparent Background
There is also a smaller NazRing box. Not only does this box have a different look, it has one big advantage -- there are no gifs associated with it. If your web space provider limits the number of graphics you can use, or you have problems with the other box, this one is the one you should use:
You will receive e-mail containing a code fragment to add to your Web page.
Follow the instructions in that message.
Once you have your NazRing box working, notify the
Ring Master that you are ready for your site to be checked. Please note, sites are allowed to remain on the queue for no more than 30 days, that is plenty of time to update your page with the NazRing fragment. If you are having problems getting your site on the ring, check out the "Help area" just below. Also, note that any current member of NazRing has the capability of activating a site to the ring, if you would like to ask someone else to check your site feel free do to so. Members who are often available to check sites are:
Diana J Lewis --
Scott J. Smith --
Marvin Marley --
Jessica Strum --
Chuck Johnson --
Glen Lee Edwards
(Other NazRing members who are willing to help may be listed here, contact
the Ring Master to be added to
this list).
Help Needed!
You want to join NazRing...but you barely got your page on in the first
place...or you have put the code on your page and just can't get it going...or you have frames running and your page and NazRing just aren't getting along. Here are some places you can turn for help.
Try the
Volunteer's Page.
Or check out:
NazRing site
operated by Jim Crockett
Or e-mail Gord Evans
These folks are willing and able to help newcomers.
(Other NazRing members who are willing to help may be listed here, contact
the Ring Master to be added to
this list.)
NazRing Member Utilities
If you are a NazRing member and have been asked to add a new Nazarene church site click
here. Note: Please be sure that the NazRing code and .gif are in place on their page.
Edit site information (URL, site title, etc.):
Last Page Update: November 11, 1998
This page is copyrighted 1998 and maintained by
G.R. "Scott" Cundiff
The presence of advertizing below does not reflect any endorsement