Balalaika's Cozy Homepage

Welcome visitors to my home.

Balalaika was the Chatelaine and the Seneshal for the Shire of the Northern Outpost for a while. There she is known as Lady Grace Cecil. The Outpost is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism. The topic of this page is history and other things that she thinks are interesting. She will be working on it as time permits. Balalaika usually doesn't have a lot of time to work on her home page. She recently finished her second BA at SUNY Potsdam. Currently she works at Wal*Mart in the fitting room and looks for a better job. She hopes that she can get a better job before the store goes through its remod.

Click for Massena, New York Forecast

Congratulations, you're a Pillywiggin, a trouping flower fae.
What kind of female faerie are you?
Take the female faerie quizby Paradox.

Links to other sites on the Web

Shire of Northern Outpost Homepage
East Kingdom Homepage
The Society for Creative Anachronism
The History Channel
Lady Jane Grey, England's teen queen.
The Tower of London

Other things that I found on the web and moved here.

Things I thought were cool.
White Wolf Homepage
Ronin Publishing

lady_balalaika got their NeoPet at
lady_balalaika got their NeoPet at
lady_balalaika got their NeoPet at

lady_balalaika got their NeoPet at

Family Stuff
Pictures of my family

In Association with Amazon.comIn Association with, Best Books of the Century, Best Music of the Century, Best Videos of the Century
A cool game. cover

This is my page. Hope you liked it and know that it will get better. As soon as I have time to learn more about HTML. The tiger gif is really cool. I got it from an index of gifs.

I thought that white tigers were cool so I decided to put them on my page.
If you want to find out more about tigers check out this website.
You can email them at

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person to be made cozy.

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