Wiregrass Writing Project
Fact Sheet

Origin - The Wiregrass Writing Project has been in place since the spring of 1986. Director is Mr. Jimmy Holley; Associate Director is Mrs. Robin Strain Bynum. Twelve Summer Institutes have been held since 1986. This year's summer institute will be June 8 - July 9, 1998.

Purpose - The purpose of the Wiregrass Writing Project is to improve the communication and learning skills of Southeast Alabama students by developing a cadre of excellent, experienced classroom teachers who employ the most effective current approaches for teaching writing in their own classrooms and are willing to share their expertise with peers upon request.

Justification - During the thirteen years, since the inception of the Wiregrass Writing Project, 116 classroom teachers, from across the disciplines K - 12, have completed the 20-day, writing intensive Summer Institute. Those classroom teachers have served as the core cadre of teacher consultants who have presented inservice workshops, teachers teaching teachers, to effect long-lasting change in students' communication/learning skills.

Impact - Several programs generated directly in response to the Wiregrass Writing Project initiatives demonstrate the project's impact: