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The web page of the Small Business Administration includes sections about the SBA itself and some of the services it offers as well links to pages of other government agencies. These links include the White House, the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Business Advisor.

In the section About SBA, resources include SBA Resources by Region and State, the SBA’s Online Bulletin Board System (telnet connection) and a list of State and Federal World Wide Web servers.

The section Area’s of Interest include links to information about starting your own business, financing your business and expanding your business. This section also includes information on disaster assistance, business cards and property for sale.

Links to other sites of interest pertaining to the Small Business Administration include SBA Program Offices and Resource Partners and other links including to the SBA’s Gopher and FTP servers. A shareware library provides downloadable programs to run a small business, and the SBA’s informantion files are also available to download.

Other points of interest on the SBA’s page include Small Business Acts and Regulations and the SBA Government Information Locator Service (GILS).

For assistance with the Small Business Administration Web Site, or any other Internet resource, please contact the Reference Desk

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