Criminal Justice Resources

Watson Library
User's Guide

Criminal Justice resources are located in several different places in Watson Library including Reference, Government Documents, Media/Serials and the general stacks. Listed below are some useful sources you will find in Watson Library.

Crime in the United States : Uniform Crime Reports HV 6787 .A3 Ref.
This annual publication includes data compiled from monthly law enforcement reports and included many statistics on crimes committed as well as numbers of law enforcement personnel.

Crime Laboratory Digest GovDocs J 1.14/8:
A forensic science journal published by the FBI Laboratory Division which distributes information of interest to crime lab scientists.

Crime State Rankings HV 6787 .C75 Ref.
This volume offers statistics on arrests, corrections, drugs and alcohol, finance, law enforcement, offences and urban/rural crime organized and ranked by state.

Criminal Justice Information HV 7419.5 .C75 1998 Ref.
An excellent bibliographic resource covering all aspects of criminal justice. Includes references to a wide variety of resources in the field.

Criminal Justice Monograph Series GovDocs J 1.37/3:
Periodic publications from the Department of Justice cover a variety of topics including street crime and community policing in the United States.

Dictionary of Criminal Justice HV 7411 .R87 Ref.
A single volume which includes terms associated with law enforcement, courts, probation, parole and corrections. Also includes summaries of supreme court cases affecting criminal justice.

Justice Department General Publications GovDocs J 1.2:
These publications cover a wide range of topics and issues published by the Justice Department.

NCJRS Misc Publications GovDocs J 1.42/3:
Periodic publications from NCJRS include much information on prisons, prisoners and criminal victimization in the United States.

Sourcebook of Crimial Justice Statistics HV 7245 .N37b Ref.
This annual publication brings together nationwide data of interest to the criminal justice community including characteristics of criminal justice systems.

Supreme Court Decisions GovDocs Ju 6.8b:
Slip opinions published by the Supreme Court which outline cases heard by the court and the decision of the court.

Internet/Electronic Resources

Internet Resources:

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
United States Department of Justice
US Dept of Justice - Office of Programs
Institute for Law and Justice
American Bar Association Network
Community Policing Consortium
Cyber Cop
Inter Access
Old Dominion University Library

Electronic Resources:

Crime in the United States : Uniform Crime Reports
GovDocs J 1.14/7-8: (See Government Documents Librarian)

NCJRS Document Data Base on CD-Rom
GovDocs J 28.31/2: (See Government Documents Librarian)

Sourcebook of Crimial Justice Statistics
GovDocs J 29.9/6-2: (See Government Documents Librarian)


Crime and Delinquency
Criminal Justice Abstracts
Community Policing Strategies
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Federal Probation
Law Enforcement News
Law Officers Bulletin
Sheriff Times
Triad News

Current Issues of these titles are located in the Media/Serials Department. Please contact them if you have further questions or check the Periodical Location Guide.

March 1998
Watson Library Reference Division
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches LA 71457

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