Personal stuff, various ramblings

If you're looking for some deep, highly introspective insight into my life, forget about it. I have a real job now, so at least I'm not poor any longer. Nothing wacky has happened to me during my life: I'm not married, divorced, widowed, estranged, strange, insane, or in jail. So instead of having something interesting to type about, I'll just tell you about the TV shows I watch, and some of the other things that I'm interested in.

My various interests mostly center around American social history between 1880-1946, the functions and powers of the branches of the U.S. government, teaching people how to use computers, collecting quantum mechanics books, and anything about print shops. My life revolves around the following TV shows as well, listed below in alphabetical order for your viewing pleasure!

ABC World News Now . . . . . . . . . .ABC, T-F between 2-5 AM, check local listings
Family Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FOX, Sunday 9 PM
The Late Show With David Letterman . .CBS, M-F 11:35pm-12:37am
The McLaughlin Group . . . . . . . . .PBS, check local listings
The Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NBC, Thursday 8:30 PM
Scrubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NBC, Thursday 9 PM
This Week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ABC, Sunday morning, check local listings

In terms of music, I like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, Nanci Griffith, U2 (pre-Zooropa), The Grateful Dead, Brian Eno, The Cure, and all sorts of jazz. My favorite public radio programs include The Grateful Dead Hour (now defunct), The Electric Croude (U.K./Ireland music), Headset Jazz, and Weekend Overdrive (electric guitar music).

Since we're all using a computer here, I have to include by Geek Code

Version:  3.12
GG$/GS dpu s: a C++ UB++ UL+++ UA+ UH+++ UI++++ US++ P- L+ E-- W++ N+++ o--
K+++ w--- O---- M> V- PS Y PGP- t* 5++ X-- R- tv+ b+ DI+ D--- G++ e++++ h+
r-- y+ 

A decoder for this can be found at Hayden's Geek Code homepage along with pages that show you what all the symbols mean, and even a generator that will make the code for you. The Geek Code is an interesting invention, if you're a geek, and if so you could give it a try.

Now the ripped-off from the January 13, 1995 Blade-Citizen Preview, page 3 ("Jennifer Aniston having fun with NBC's Friends," Cheryl Lavin, Tribune Media) section of the this page follows:

Vital statistics:
  The last good movie I saw was:  The Fifth Element.
  The books I've been reading are:  Plato-Collected Dialogues, Profiles In Courage, Anne Sexton-The Complete Poems,
                                    and From Dawn To Decadence:  500 Years Of Western Cultural Life.
  Favorite pigout food:  the large Snickers bar that's as big as your head.
  Prized possession:  real-live Star Trek TNG rank insignia collar pips.
  Nobody knows I'm:  if I tell you that, everyone would know!
  I wish I could stop:  being single.
  I've never been able to:  do homework.
  I'm better than anyone else when it comes to:  eating chicken & rice.
  I'd give anything to meet:  Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr.
  My fantasy is:  to get married, have kids, live happily ever after, make
                  Rear Admiral, and take over for David Letterman after he retires.
  People who knew me in high school thought I was:  quiet.
  Major accomplishment:  any day I wake up before 9 A.M.
  Three words that best describe me:  continuously differentiable function.  Or maybe uncontrollable multi-faceted mega-genius.
  If I weren't a computer geek, I'd be:  in the United States Navy.

That's all!


Fri Jan 5 16:32:57 EST 2007