Link Central

Inconviently listed below in alphabetical order of the link and not the description!

ABC News.
Apple ][ history.
Chippewa Falls, WI newspaper. Sure it's cold, but it's a dry cold...
Washington Post crossword puzzle. For when you're sick of the NY Times crossword, which doesn't take long.
g95 sourceforge Free Fortran 95 for many systems.
BBC news. For when you're sick of CNN, which doesn't take long. I'll admit it: I use this instead of Google, which is way over-rated.
Zap2It TV listings.
The Internet Movie Database.
Windows Annoyances which are many...
BCC live RealAudio stream.
BCC live #2 RealAudio stream.
Vidiot. 'Nuff said.
Comedy On Tap.
Cray. Supercompute 'till your brain explodes!
Dana Delany. Holy crap!
Military news.
USENET newsgroups searching. Computer software for cheap.
Foreign Affairs Magazine. The One True Language.
Noble Chicken.
GCC. Free C and C++ compilers for most everywhere.
National Security Archives.
Hollywood Reporter.
Intelligence Careers. I could tell you the link, but I'd have to kill you.
Late-night TV lineups. Lets you know when you favorite celebrity will be interviewed on TV (which may be never).
Investopedia. Make lots of money, bla bla bla.
Merriam-Webster online dictionary.
Marketwatch. Make lots of money, bla bla bla.
The Lurker's Guide to Bablyon 5. Quit your lame job and get a new one.
Morningstar. Make lots of money, bla bla bla.
GAMESS. The General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System.
Nekochan's Foetz. The latest freeware (including Firefox and Thunderbird) for SGI IRIX machines.
U.S. Navy news.
NOAA radar.
The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project. Geeks with way too much free time, just like you.
Premiere Magazine.
US Treasuries. The most boring investment ever!
Qualix. Old computers for sale. Old SGIs for sale.
Rose McGowan. Holy crap!
Slashdot. News for geeks.
Color map of the performance of 500 stocks.
Star Tribune.
Take Our Word For It. Fun to read, it's about words and phrases and clauses and ain't that nice?
What time is it?
Unofficial Subuaru Outback homepage.
XV 3.10a. The only image viewer really worth it.
Dilbert. A comic strip for geeks--like you.
Wikipedia. Oh my goodness this is extremely addictive.
Good HTML reference.
XSNet.Old computers for sale.


Fri Jan 5 16:39:44 EST 2007