My incredibly boring home page that has actually been updated this year!

To help you waste countless and valuable hours of your life surfing the web, instead of spending countless valuable hours of your life interacting with other people - which is what you really should be doing - I've typed in some information about:

Compiling and running GAMESS on Cygwin under Windows. (03 Jul 08)

My tragically brief experience as a Nielsen (TV ratings) family. (03 Jul 08)

Links to other sites that I like. (05 Jan 07)

Computers: The ones that I use. (05 Jan 07)

Some steps to take to help secure your SGI IRIX computer against break-ins. (12 Mar 06)

Personal info about me is available for those who just need to know these kinds of things. (05 Jan 07)

thirtysomething actors are still doing things, and this section features some of the things that they are up to now. (16 Mar 05)

Supercomputer mania! (16 Feb 02)

Stories about all sorts of things. (24 Sep 99)

Biscuits. Don't go here. You have been warned. (20 Mar 99)

Cameras and lenses... (Minor info about my Leica Z2X.) (23 Feb 98)

alt.religion.kibology: a primer. (27 Nov 96)

Why I chose Geocities, the Athens subsection, and what I want to do with this page. (02 Aug 96)

You can mail me at pen7cmc at yahoo dot com. I don't keep a real link here because I receive an intolerable amount of junk email.

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