Our mission . . .

At Wilkeson, we provide an environment which encourages students to become responsibe, productive citizens; enjoy satisfying lives; contribute to their communities and to their own economic sell-being. Realizing that learning is important, we strive to empower our students with the ability to:

Our Learning Improvement Team -- made up of teachers, para-educators, parents, community members and an administrator leads Wilkeson in enhancing our school.

  • We continue to increase the number and sophistication of the technology in our classrooms. Our newest addtion is a set of 30 Alphasmart keyboards that students can use to work process right at their desks. Then they can load it into computers in the classroom or lab to edit and add graphics. We see benefits in this technology for the writing process for all students.
  • The parent involvement committee works to ensure good communication with parents and community. We also plan activities such as Technology Night or Family Play Night to strenthen our community and grow and learn together. Weekly/monthly reports to parents, our school newsletter, and other forms of communication continue to provide opportunities for everyone to be a part of Wilkeson.
  • Staff inservice this year focusses on the writing process and assessment. Individual staff members can study related topics specific to their needs.

All of these activities, in addition to continued excellence in the classroom and in all special activities, are due to hard work on the part of Wilkeson staff and outstanding support from parents and community members. We are proud of these efforts and know they will make a difference for Wilkeson students.

You are welcome at Wilkeson anytime! We are partners with all our parents, our PTA, and other community members. Our goal is to educate our students for the future. Please call or come in, volunteer, participate in school or classroom events, become a member of a committee or get involved in any way you can. If you are interested in volunteering, call 829-3357.

Linda Dugger, Principal


Wilkeson students have many opportunities for growth over the course of the school year. With an average class size of 22, it is our goal to provide programs and activities that will stimulate thinking and learning, provide for excellence in special programs, and give every child options in which to participate. Special programs or activities in which most or all grade levels can participate include Jump Rope for Heart, Jump Rope Exhibition Team, Wilkeson Waves, Student Council, field trips at all grade levels, Picture Person, Wilkeson Art Gallery, and Track Club.

Primary (K-3) programs include our parent-requested alternate kindergarten schedule.

Intermediate (4-6) programs and activities include a yearly musical/drama production, DARE (6), chorus, band (5-6), and yearbook staff (5-6).

We have a high level of participation in these programs and meet the needs of a variety of different student groups. Our staff enjoys the opportunity to work with students in non-classroom settings to develop relationships that enhance high academic achievement, our major school focus.

Our staff enjoys the opportunity to work with students in non-classroom settings to develop relationships.

Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills

Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) are administered annually to all fourth grade students. A score of 50 indicates the median.

4th Grade 1993 1994 1995
Total: 66 70 63
Reading: 70 67 57
Language Arts: 55 73 60
Math: 63 66 61
Study Skills: 73 71 78
Science: 65 69 63
Social Studies: 75 71 62

Student Awards & Recognition

Wilkeson students have many opportunities to receive awards throughout the school year. We believe in sharing positive actions and accomplishments to promote more achievement and encourage an atmosphere of success. Awards that most or all students have access to include perfect attendance/good attendance awards, ASB awards, Student of the Month award, science fair awards, Reflections art awards, Year-end Academic Excellence awards, Track Club awards.

Awards for intermediate students include Student Council officers, DARE certificates, Presidential Academic Fitness awards, Presidential Physical Fitnes awards, and American Citizenship awards.

In addition to these awards, teachers use classroom rewards. Further awards are given for activities or outstanding achievements as they occur throughout the year. We are proud of the accomplishments of Wilkeson students.

Staff Honors & Accomplishments

  • State Food Service The Heart of the Program Award -- Cindy McGehee
  • Teacher of the Week-STAR 101.5-- Helen Gardner
  • National Honor Student Council-Silver Medal Status-- Penny Visnaw
  • Summer Institiute in Science, U of W-- Helen Gardner
  • Wilkeson Waves Jumprope Team TV Recognition-- Pam King
  • Puget Sound Reading Cadre-- Ellen Smith
  • Content Specialist-State Regional Assessment Center-- Linda Dugger
  • Golden Acorns-- Penny Visnaw, 1994; Helen Gardner, 1995

This year we will complete a comprehensive student learning improvement plan that will be implemented next year. We will also spend time reviewing the State Essential Learnings and making improvements to our curriculum based on that review.

Wilkeson Demographics

Enrollment at Wilkeson is 314 for the 1996-97 school year. The smallest class contains 22 while the largest has 29; the average class size is 27. We have one English as Second Language student, with 24% of the student body qualifying for free/reduced lunches. Our attendance rate per day is 95%.

Student Ethnic Distribution


Wilkeson Home Page
White River School District

Last Modified: November 12, 1996