One of GIZMO WORLD goals is to provide the most complete,
up to date list of hobby links available. Currently we have over 300 links listed.
Our links are broken into the following catagories:
R/C Planes
FAQ's for R/C Aircraft A great page. Contains tons of info on R/C planes for the newcomers
Airfoil16 Windows program that computes coefficients for NACA 4 and 5 digits airfoils. Downloadable
R/CHelper Software by Team Timm. For Purchase only.
Softwareand Data Files Contains several down loadable software files for flight signs, schematics, design calculations, etc
HighVoltage - World of R/C Aricraft Really great information on electrics planes, very thorough
R/C FAQ Answers to several FAQ with good answers
Flying Good thorough page on electric flights
ModelAviation Articles Lots of information gatheredfrom news groups, some good information- some not
RC Software available to download for wing design
Pages about planes
1/12Scale R/C Aircombat Info and rules about flying about flying 1/12-scale planes in combat.
Aeromodelismo R/C modeling page in Portugal maintained by PedroQuaresma de Almeida.
An Analysis of the Ideal High-Performance Hand Launch Glider Lots of information on wing design, lift, etc.. Interesting page if your into gliders.
Chris'R/C Page Nice page. Tring to build a database of helpful info. Has a very promising future.
Crash's Model Aviation Page An entertaining page, although not a lot of R/c plane stuff here.
The Crash Stories Page A great collection of crash stories, fun to read for the R/C buff.
AustrailianModeling Home Page A good page with links to newsgroups,and other places
Fil'sR/C Model Info Good collection of FAQs from theWWW.
FlyingHigh Real good page. Info of all kinds, ads, FAQ's,sell your plane, etc.. Worth looking at.
TheFlying Penguin R/C Newsletter A superior page.Good to see a little humor on a page. You have to check out the top tenlist, it will have you rolling. Winner of the Bottom 95% of the Web Award
GROTTO2 Information on pattern flying. Good site forpattern fliers.
TheHeironimi Home Page Pictures of R/C models andother information.
FredHerrmanns' WWW Page Fred's page includes picturesof some of his models and some nice R/C animations/movies. And you evenget to meet his family..
DaveHockaday Pics of models and various building projectshe has.
Rich"Cap." Hook Information and a calendarof events in the Distric 3 of AMA. It's worth seeing.
Jerel'sR/C Aircraft Hangar Jerels planes and picturesof it flying.
JapanF3A Page FAI F3A in Japan. Information providedby Mochizuki Hitoshi. Probably a better page if you are Japanese.
Jeff'sR/C Aviation A page by Jeff, his planes, links,etc...
BigJim's Radio Controlled Aircraft Page This is agreat place for beginners.
JuanchiDesign Spanish R/C design page. Diseqos de aeromodelosde R/C in Spain.
JohnKallend Page about John, and what he likes Isthis a resume?
Kim'sR/C Airplane Page Kim A. VanLandingham's homepage with good R/C links.
HannuKauppinen Him and his aircraft.
Lee'sR/C Planes & Other Things Well-organized pagewith lots of info.
JonghunLee's R/C Site Home page in Korea. His picturesand Projects.
ToineMartens Homepage in The Netherlands. Well donecontains lots of planes and links.
KenMyers All about Electric powered planes. Greatif your considering flying electric.
Nathan'sR/C Homepage Another (fairly large) collectionof links provided by Nathan.
SAM Dedicated to preserving free flight models.
AlexOlshove Another page about this guys plane.
R/CFlyer's Homepage Maintained by Hans de Bruin.
R/CModel Aviation Miscellaneous info and links.
R/CPattern Page A collection of pics and patternflying info.
R/CPilot's Lounge Lots of pictures and some links.A page where you can put your plane for others to see it.
R/CModel Info Collection of R/C data maintained byBill Wallace. A very informative page.
RadioControl Airplanes A collection of model pics of his planes and his friends planes.
RemoteControl Hobbies Home Page John McAlpin's pagelists manufactures, and other local Austin info.
Rich'sHome Page Some pics, downloadable software, firstflight descriptions, etc..
WestAustralian Model Aircraft Lots of pictures ofplanes with several different views. Also has some links.
RCModel Aviation A great locations for flieers severalgood stories, tips, local clubs, and hobby stores
AustralianModel aircraft A few pictures of people's planes
http://ee.oulu.fi/~hsk/models/modelfly.html Pictures of some guys planes
Fred'sPage His models, very interesting, AVI moviesabout/with R/C planes
SKSVideo - RC video tapes Lots of R/C videos here
F3J Information on gliders in the UK
SteveMills - RC Other links and some good beginnerinformation
Rohan Some guy's planes with pictures
Racores Information on their products
CSSHunley Page. Great page with lots of good informationon R/C planes
R/CSoaring Great page on R/C soaring--Lots of information
R/CSoaring Soaring from the UK--Good page! Reviews,tips, events, etc...
Gliders Good information on How to Build the ideal Glider
www.harrier.com Page about R/C planes
RCCentral - gRC for Some good information here (brightfuture), club listings
RRCC- Reno Giant scale air race page
DonBritton's RC Website Information about his planes
Sail Plane Pages
F3Fin France French sailplane site. Contains gliderinfo, technical notes, slope competition schedules. In both French andEnglish.
Martin'sSoaring Home Page Soaring in South Australia.Info on mainly slope gliders along with hints, crash cam and picture files,and a good help guide for beginners.
PlaneadorR/C News R/C soaring site in Spain (and in Spanish).Mainly just some links to other soaring pages.
R/CSoaring Le mod lisme et les planeurs French R/CSoaring page.
R/CSoaring R/C soaring, with good articles from theThe Beacon. worth a look see.
R/CSoaring A well done site. Features clubs, events,classifieds, pilot's exchange and more.
R/CSoaring Page Maintained by Dean Jansa. Containssailing links, techniques, events, etc...
MarcoRani Information and pictures of the SBAM ( athree channel sail plane), stats on it, plans, etc.
SilentSatisfaction The definitive soaring page fromLee Trujillo. This is a great page with a ton of information. IF your intosailing see this page.
BillingsFlying Information on R/C combat rules and standings
Spaceport Information on R/C club spaceport in Florida
SouthAustrian Model Clubs South Austrian Model Clubs
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/gbongartz Another club home page (very well done)
HubCity RC Club - Club page host to canadian nationalpylon racing
Dallas/FortWorth Flying Club in Texas
GAMA- Georgia Aircraft Modelers Club field in Georgia--Reallywell done!
Love-Air Club in Colorado
NewHampshire Flying Tigers - New Hampshire RC club Nicelydone club
BlythevilleRC Blytheville R/C Club
TheAcademy Of Model Aeronautics Its the R/C planesinsurance company page
EasternSoaring League Gives contests, rules, info, leaguestandings, etc...
InternationalMiniature Aerobatic Club A WONDERFUL page! Tonsof information on promoting miniature aerobatics
InternationalMiniature Aircraft Association Association thatpromotes large scale aircraft
IRCHA International helicopter page. Very well done. Includesclassifieds, events, clubs, rules, etc...
Leagueof Silent Flight Promotes sailplanes
TheNational Society Of Radio Controlled Aerobatics Allabout acrobatic flying in the U.S.
R/C Cars
FAQ's for R/C Cars A page stocked full of great informationmaintained by Mark Brown
GearRatio Calculator Free downloadable software to help you calculate gear ratios
Gear Ratio Program and Motorchecker Another free gear ratio program and tips for Losi cars.
Pages about cars
http://student-www.eng.hawaii.edu/tokumi/rccar.html Lots of good R/C car pictures and movies
RC10GT Page from some guy who thinkg RC10GT is the best
J'sRC Page - Another guy showing his car --YAWN
Adam'sR/C Car Page Contains info about gas cars. Histips, pics, crash stories
Adrian'sSpeed Demons R/C car racing in Singapore. Hasreviews, stories techinical papers
Adrian'sWorld of R/C Cars Stories and pics about cars,you can also leave your own stories and pics
WilsonAlvarez Racing Pics of R/C cars from Maimi. Alsohas their race schedule
Chris'sR/C Page Good Racing info and tips on running,also list so of the tracks around
Dan'sR/C Home Page Info about his car and the Equip.he has, pics, some links ect...
FastCat Info about sadans and parking-lot racing
Frank'sR/C Page Experiences of a beginner in R/C Buggies.Very slow when we tried it
Geoff'sR/C Car Page Info on buying a truck (new or used)and info on keeping it in good shape
Glitch Introduction to R/C racing, with tracks, events, raceresults, pics. and more.
Guajanaand Tory's Corner By Tory Skyers includes picsand other info
Huber'sWacky Web World Contains a great movie shot fromin a R/C car, and some other stuff.
HyperHobby R/C cars in Sydney, Australia. Also hasinfo about Sprint Cart
ChrisJennings' Hobbiest Corner Some info and a messageboard to leave messages
Ken'sHomepage Some links and general info
Lee'sRC-10 Contains shots of R/C 10's world car
MofugasRacing Has racing tips, alot of local info anda neat insult corner
Nicolas'R/C Models Home Page In French, tips about cars,etc.
R/CGarage Brad Hayes has compiled some chassie articlesand setup tips
Nate'sR/C Page Another program for finding gear ratios,runs on mac
Nick'sR/C Car Page Experiences on getting started inR/C Cars
The No Nonsense R/C Car Homepage Supppose to focuson strictly good information, still under heavy construction
O.K.Racing Racing page in Bel
Pro-X R/C Page Info on the Kyosho Pro-X
PYM's R/C Page A Page for 1:10 electric R/C cars and trucks
R/C Sedan Racing Lots of great info on On Road racing
R/C Truck Pulling Info about truck pulling and NR/CTPA
Radio Control Offroad Zone Offroad racing information and pics
Radio Controlled Car Racing in Ottawa Pics from Ottawa, Canada on racing there
Robert's R/C Page Kyosho Outlaw Rampage Pro Truck info
R/C Web Page @ Hong Kong Satzuki's R/C Car Home Page tips for many cars, and other general info. Its in English
Slippin' Diff Racing Regional R/C racing info. for eastern Wisconsin, northern Illinois, Indiana and M
Sparks Radio Controlled Raceway R/C track and shop located in Arkansas
Tom's Home Page For sale page an some links
Jose Zayas Info and pictures on his cars
Tri-Valley Nice page about tri valley race club (ca)
Radio Cleveland
R/C Boats
Pages about boats
RC Sailing Great site for R/C sailing, lots of introductions on clubs, rules, links, construction, etc...
RC Boating Some guy's boats
Minute Information on minutes breakers boat club and race rules
Indy Model Boat Club - RC boat Indy model boat club--Well done
The International RC Warship R/C worship combat club (neat if you can afford it)
http://hccadb.hcc.hawaii.edu/~cs_rapozo/modroc.html Pictures from Astrocam Rocket and his other rockets. Some interesting rocket links
David Gawlik - Rockets Lots of good information on rockets, assoc. motor specs, etc...
The Rec.Models.Scale Home Page Lots of model information, pictures, latests releases, etc...
American Modeller Information on how to subscribe to American Modeler
Classic Warships New Releases Detailed information about specific models
WWI Models Good page, lots of good informations, reviews, pictures, etc...
Model club in Iceland Model club in Iceland
The Scale Models Home Page Model page with online catalogs, news groups, etc...
For ship modeling - From rec.models.scale Lots of answers to FAQ's on ship modeling, some good- some bad
Ninfinger Productions: Scale Models Information on modeling, some tips, and reviews
Track-Link Lots of good information on Armor modeling, tips, articles, reviews, etc...
MODEL BOATS Good base page with links to news groups, clubs, equipment, etc...
Misc Stuff
Scale Model Research Good information on engines/electronics
http://bigwig.geology.indiana.edu:80/iskandar/ISK2.HTM Good description and information on control line planes, records, rules, contests, etc.
Peter Nyffeler Information on Control Line
New Groups Contains links to news groups
RC Manufacturers A very complete list of manufacturers on the web
The RC Exchange Great location to sell that old junk
Aero Telemetry for your R/C model
R/C Helicopters
Helicopters - Home of the original RC heli-buf Another great page for helicopters
Willy's RC Home Page - A guy showing his helicopters
Helicopter Fever Lots of great stuff about helicopters
Autogyros Questions and answers about gyroplanes taken from a news group board
Denny Charlie Mainly about Denny (resume, edu, etc...). Some helicopter pictures & links
John Morris Student's papers on studying helicopter performance
Kite Aerial Ariel photography from kites--Lots of pictures
Schumacher Company Page
RB R & B information on their products
Graupner Very detailed in formation on Gaauper Engines
Tejera Microsystems Engineering - Electronics for RC models Product Information
Anabats Information on anabats (slope gliders)
Fine Scale Modeler's home. Magazine on fine scale modeling
elitespeed Information about companies that make battery packs
Remote The only tv channel about model aviation (if you get the outdoor channel)
The Lycos Home Page Help using the truflite sim
RCM Magazine R/C Modeler magazine, past issues and current articles--lots of good information
RC Online Magazine Download issues of R/C online
RC Universe - Rotory Modeler's R/C rotary modeler magazine online--Good information!
Team Serpent Network - RC car Team support gas on road cars
The Modeler's Resource Cover about figure kits building, tips, reports, reviews, etc...
Autoscore Commercial race scoring and race management software for R/C cars