Jumbo Coins Collectors Corner

Main Index

22 Woodend Lane
SK15 2SR
Tel - +44 (0)161-338-5741

e-mail jumbocoins@yahoo.com
or … Mike.Bailey@umist.ac.uk
or ... mike_bailey@hotmail.com 

Book Listings

Cigarette & Trade cards

Coins & Medallions & Banknotes

Medals & Militaria

Cap Badges
Shoulder Titles
Collar Badges
Buttons, Cloth Badges & Miscellaneous
Military Books
Medals & Decorations
Commemorative Medallions
Local and Regional Medallions
USSR & Russian Military Badges

Audio Compact Discs

CD Menu
Folk Music CDs
Popular Music CDs
Compilation CDs
Jazz & Blues CDs


·         Postcard Menu Page

·         Postcards by Area & Country

·         Postcards Listed by Subject – Sets and Singles

·         Postcard Bundles by Subject

·         Postcard Mixtures

·         PHQ & GB Regional Postcards

Stamps & Postal History - Commonwealth & World

Stamps & Postal History - GREAT BRITAIN

·         British First Day Covers

1.     British First Day Covers - 1840-1970

2.     British First Day Covers - 1971-1980

3.     British First Day Covers - 1981-1990

4.     British First Day Covers – 1991-2000

5.     British First Day Covers - 2001 onwards

·         British Commemorative Stamps

1.     British Commemorative Stamps - 1924-1970

2.     British Commemorative Stamps - 1971-1980

3.     British Commemorative Stamps - 1981-1990

4.     British Commemorative Stamps - 1991 onwards

·         British Postal Stationery

1.     Squared Circle Postmarks

2.     Duplex Cancellations

3.     Early Machine Cancellations

Other pages

·         Banknotes

·         China, Glass & Pottery

·         Playing Cards

·         Die Cast Model Cars

1.      Matchbox Cars and King Size

2.      Dinky – Corgi – Aircraft Diecasts

3.      Catalogues and Sales literature for Diecast toys

4.      Diecast Ships & Shipping

5.      Diecast Cars – Other Makers

·         Car Boot Sale (All sorts of oddments)

Back to Main Menu

Please make cheques payable to:- Jumbo Coins

Allow an extra 50p postage for UK recorded delivery.

Please allow 7 days for delivery - coins not stored on premises.


All types of postcards purchased, good prices paid.