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Delany Genealogy Page

By Paul M Delany

Last updated: 10 October 1997, You are visitor number

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Author: Paul M Delany


This purpose of these pages is to provide information about my family with the hope of exchanging information with others who are researching the same names. All my research at present is confined to the British Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

The specific surnames currently of interest and their locations are:

Further details of these names and others can be seen in my Tiny Tafel file. There is also a HTML version of my GEDCOM file, generated by the GED2HTML utility.

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The Delany Family Name

As yet I know very little of the origin of the name Delany. I have traced back to my ggg grandfather "John Delany". Family gossip says he came to England c. 1852 with his son William. William was born in 1843, probably in Waterford, Ireland. What happened to John's wife or the rest of the family is as yet unclear.

I presume the name is a variation of Delaney, which is a far more common spelling. Only 10% have no 'e' before the 'y'. I have had some information from Bob Duggan saying that the spellings Dulaney and Delaney are quite interchangeable in Ireland and that it may be an anglicised version of the French DeLaun(e).

This is very much speculation at present and so if anyone has any information I would be grateful if they could mail me.

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About myself and my Family Tree

I am a qualified computer analyst with a systems management background on DEC VAX computers. I am currently supporting a large Oracle database on a Sequent platform. I was born and raised in Sunderland County Durham, moving to Manchester, Middlesbrough and finally down to Abingdon Oxfordshire, where I now live.

I have only been interested in my family history for the last year. All of my immediate relatives are from the North East of England, so the majority of my research is centred round the Sunderland area. My wife's family come from Nottingham, and Barrow in Furness (Lancs. now part of Cumbria) so I have an interest in those areas as well.

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General Information about UK Genealogy

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Census Information

There has been a census every ten years since 1801, excluding 1941 (WW2). However only those since 1841 are of any real use to the family historian. Due to the 100 year privacy rules the latest currently available for inspection is the 1891. The 1901 data will become available on 1 January 2002. Those for England and Wales are available at The Public Record Office. Those for Scotland are at New Register House.

The dates for the census were:
6 June 1841
30/31 March 1851
7/8 April 1861
2/3 April 1871
3/4 April 1881
5 April 1891

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Civil Registration

Civil registration of births, deaths and marriages started on 1 July 1837 in England and Wales. These records are held in St. Catherine's House.

Registration for Scotland started on 1 January 1855. These records are held at The General Register Office for Scotland.

The records for all of Ireland up to 1921, and for Eire since 1921 are held at the Register General's Office. Records for Northern Ireland since 1921 are held at Oxford House.

A full description of Civil registration in the UK can be found on the GENUKI pages entitled Civil Registration

Useful Addresses

English and Welsh Registration
St. Catherine's House
The General Register Office,
St. Catherine's House,
10 Kingsway,
London WC2B 6JP.
Scotish Registration
The General Register Office for Scotland
New Register House
Princess Street
Edinburgh EH1 3YT
Irish Registration
Register General
Joyce House
8/11 Lombard Street East
Dublin 2
Northern Ireland Registration
Oxford House
49/55 Chichester Street
Bt1 4HL
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