DukeMatch Tips
DukeMatch Tips
Okay everybody, here's my tip page for DukeMatch. If you are over 30 and don't know what this is, go here. If you are under the age of 30 and you don't know about Duke Nukem 3d or what DukeMatch is, you need help...and a freakin' life. Anywho, here are the tips.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If you have any GOOD tips (I mean good, if they suck I won't post em) e-mail me here. Type DukeMatch Tip(s) for the subject and please include your name for credit. I will try and add tips daily so check back often. Thanx.
- Always RUN, never just stand still. If you've gotta go somewhere RUN. Hit Caps Lock for Auto-run. Also, if you sidestep and move at the same time you can increase your running speed.
- Make sure to use the mouse all the time. It not only improves aim, but you should define the actions [Sidestep Right] and [Sidestep Left] to the buttons on your mouse. That way you can circle strafe and have excellent aim at the same time!
- If you can, buy a good joystick. Not some 4 button peice of @&$% but a real joystick. I use the classic Microsoft Sidewinder which suits me fine. Picture this, the more buttons, the more items/weapons you will have at your fingertips.
- However, I have recently found that simply using a mouse/joystick combo is much much much better then using a joystick...for me at least. Anyway, just like food, everyone likes something different so experiment with what you like...and then kick some ASS!
- If you play the usual opponents over and over again, pick up on their mannerisims. Know what type of weapon they like. If they use the jet-pack or not. Do they use the holo-duke? Are they skilled enough to plant tripbomb/pipebomb traps? Do they know the infamous circle-strafe technique? You should know all the answers to these questions in oreder to enter a match prepared. Be sure you know your opponent because he knows you.
- Here's a great way to use the med-kit without having to remove your eyes from the action and hit M. Simply have the [Medkit] option defined with the button you fire. So every time you fire, you use a medkit and refill you health. This will save you countless times in an intense fire-fight.
- The RPG is NOT the best weapon. It not only fires slowly but it's a missle weapon and takes time to reach your opponent. Never use in an open battlefield area when your opponent is circle-strafing you with a freakin' pistol. It should only be used to A. Set off a booby-trap or B. If you have a clear shot and you know that you can hit your opponent, you can snipe him. But beware, the rocket trail will reveal you sniper position. So EXIT FAST!
- Play offensively. DukeMatch is not a game about collecting all the weapons, getting all the health, then finding and attacking your opponent. As soon as you appear, seek out and destoy your opponent. If there is a weapon near by pick the sucker up. Trust me, I can take out a fully armed 200% health opponent with a pistol. This game takes more skill than it does planning, so get out there and fight!
- Most 2-player DukeMatch maps are rather small, to keep up the action. So if you get in a fire-fight and you happen to lose, don't run around and search out weapons when you reappear. Run and start shooting your opponent with your trusty pistol. If you were in a fierce battle with him, he must have lost some health. Unless he has a Medkit or has read my strategies, he'll be an easy kill due to low health. Like I said above, Skill over Planning.
- In DukeMatch, there are generally 2 kinds of people (3 if you count the LOSERS). One who Snipes, and one who Fights. A good Sniper knows that the Pistol has better accuracy than any other weapon in the game. While it doesn't get off as many rounds as the Chaingun, it has more hits. Therefore it is the Snipers main tool. A good Sniper also is very carefull when using rocket weapons simply because they are inacurate pieces of #&%$. Also, a good Sniper is very hard to kill because they know the map, have various "back-up" Sniper spots they can run too when one is uncovered, and are really really lucky. Now the Fighter is someone who has excellent fighting skills, i.e. circle-strafe, back-peddle, instant 180º turn, shotgun expert. He is usually the one who comes out on top at the end when all the frags are added up. Now a good fighter doesn't come without effort. He pratices his skills on enemies, and his friends. And he should be able to beat the last boss with difficulty Come Get Some. Now these skills can become rusty, so the Fighter only DukeMatchs with players at his skill level or above. Try finding out what type of DukeMatcher you are. A Sniper or Fighter. For those wondering minds out there. I'm both a Sniper and Fighter, this means I'm Unbeatable ha ha ha...
- Okay, Okay. I said above that the Fighter is a shotgun expert, what I mean by this is simple. The shotgun is the best weapon, except when fighting from afar. It is excellent at close range, 2-3 direct hits and the players mulch. Plus, it is almost in every map I've ever played. It's only drawback is its slow fireing rate. To overcome this boundary, do this. Fire, duck behind a wall while Duke reloads, then pop out and fire again. It takes practice to use this weapon efficiently, but once it is mastered it's a blood bath.
- When you sneak up behind somebody, don't wait to get the perfect aim, fire immediately. Your chance of surprising somebody may be gone.
- When someone knows you're chasing them don't go around a corner if they're any good. Be prepared, they'll probably be more prepared.
- If you set off a tripbomb don't just stay in the same spot, whoever set them knows where they set them and will find you and probably kill you because you were just injured.
- Set lots of tripbombs to slow down and injure your opponent. Remember where you set them to finish them off if they were hurt.
- Constantly restore your health between battles and keep getting medkits. That raises your health and keeps your opponent from getting it. Also keep your opponent from getting weapons by getting all the weapons you can and take them first.
- It's better to set traps and draw your opponent to you. Don't chase your opponent as much. You're more likely to survive if you don't get in a battle.But for those of you who like fights and action like me, you can't resist.
- Be sparatic so your enemy can't predict you. Don't always be repetetive.Keep your enemy in the dark. Change your traps and attacks constantly.
- Use the dukemap build utility and explore the level in 2d and 3d mode and analyze the map for secrets.
- Avoid direct combat if possible, try sniping.