psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Phillips
Hotel, Dayton, Ohio, this 24th day of November, 1923, at
3:30pm in accordance with request made by [5717], [953],
[294], and others.
Edgar Cayce; Linden Shroyer, Conductor, Gladys Davis,
Please give a definition of the word astrology.
(EC) That position in space about our own earth that is
under the control of the forces that are within the
sphere of that control, and all other spheres without
that control. That is astrology, the study of those
conditions. In the beginning, our own plane, the Earth,
was set in motion. The planning of other planets began
the ruling of the destiny of all matters as created, just
as the division of waters was ruled and is ruled by the
Moon in its path about the earth; just so as the higher
creation as it begun is ruled by its action in
conjunction with the planets about the earth. The
strongest force used in the destiny of man is the Sun
first, then the closer planets to the earth, or those
that are coming to ascension at the time of the birth of
POWER, THE power given by the Creator of man, in the
beginning, when he became a living soul, with the power
of choosing for himself. The inclinations of man are
ruled by the planets under which he is born, for the
destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the
Do the planets have an effect on the life of every
individual born?
(EC) They have. Just as this earth's forces were set in
motion, and about it, those forces that govern the
elements, elementary so, of the earth's sphere or plane,
and as each comes under the influence of those
conditions, the influence is to the individual without
regards to the will, which is the developing factor of
man, in which such is expressed through the breath of the
Creator, and as one's plane of existence is lived out
from one sphere to another they come under the influence
of those to which it passes from time to time. In the
sphere of many of the planets within the same solar
system, we find they are banished to certain conditions
in developing about the spheres from which they pass, and
again and again and again return from one to another
until they are prepared to meet the everlasting Creator
of our entire Universe, of which our system is only a
very small part. [See 900-25, Par. 3-A.] Be not dismayed
[deceived]; God is not mocked; "Whatsoever a man
soweth that shall he also reap." [Gal. 6:7] In the
various spheres, then, through which he must pass to
attain that which will fit him for the conditions to
enter in, and become a part of that Creator, just as an
individual is a part of the creation now. In this manner
we see there is the influence of the planets upon an
individual, for all must come under that influence,
though one may pass from one plane to another without
going through all stages of the condition, for only upon
the earth plane at present do we find man is flesh and
blood, but upon others do we find those of his own making
in the preparation of his own development. As given,
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the
firmament sheweth His handyworks. Day unto day uttereth
speech, night unto night sheweth knowledge." This
from the beginning and unto the end. [Ps. 19:1, 2] Just
in that manner is the way shown how man may escape from
all of the fiery darts of the wicked one, for it is self,
and selfishness, that would damn the individual soul unto
one or the other of those forces that bring about the
change that must be in those that willfully wrong his
Maker. It is not that which man does or leaves undone,
but rather that indifference toward the creation that
makes or loses for the individual entity. Then, let's be
up and doing - doing - "be ye doers [of the word],
and not hearers only". [Jas. 1:22]
Give the names of the principal planets, and the
influence on the lives of people.
(EC) Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Neptune,
Uranus, Septimus. Influence as is given by many of those
in and about the earth plane is defective. Many of the
forces of each is felt more through the experience, by
the entity's sojourn upon those planets than by the life
that is lead other than by will, for will is the factor
in the mind of man that must be exercised. The influence
from any is from what planet that soul and spirit returns
to bring the force to the earth individual, as it is
breathed into the body, from whence did it come? that
being the influence. Not the revolution of the ideas as
given from those who study of those forces, but study
those that come, as the Star of Bethlehem came to the
earth as the individual pointing out the way to Truth,
the Light, and others can only be such as prepare their
way through that light and influence.
Are any of the planets, other than the earth, inhabited
by human beings or animal life of any kind?
(EC) No.
Give the description of the planet nearest the earth at
the present time, and its effect upon the people.
That planet now fast approaching the earth, under whose
influence the earth's minds trend, will be for the next
few years, as time is known here, is Mars, who will be
only thirty-five million miles away from the earth in
1924. The influence will be felt as this recedes from the
earth, and those of that nature; that is, given through
sojourn there, express in their lives upon the earth the
troublesome times that will arise, only being tempered
with that of those who may be, and will be, coming from
those of Jupiter, Venus and Uranus, those strong
ennobling forces tempered by those of love and strength.
What effect will the planet, Uranus, have on the people
during the next two years?
We find in this planet those of the exceptional forces,
those of the ultra forces, those that carry the extremes
in every walk of physical life and forces, and these are
those that will, in the next two years, especially, give
of their strength to the greater force, as has been
given. Those, tempered with the forces as received there,
find in the tumultuous times that are to arise, the
setting ready for their again forces. Well may the earth
tremble under that influence in 1925 and 1927.
Is it proper for us to study the effects of the planets
on our lives in order to better understand our tendencies
and inclinations, as influenced by the planets?
When studied aright, very, very, very much so. How aright
then? In that influence as is seen in the influence of
the knowledge already obtained by mortal man. Give more
of that into the lives, giving the understanding THAT THE
In what way should astrology be used to help man live
better in the present physical plane?
In that which the position of the planets give the
tendencies in a given life, without reference to the
will. Then let man, the individual, understand how WILL
may overcome, for we all must overcome, if we would, in
any wise, enter in. Not that the position gives man the
transport, but that that force as manifested in the
creation of man wherein choice between the good and evil,
exercising highest will force, may be manifested the
greater in man. DO THAT.
Who were the first people in the world to use astrology,
and what time in history was it first used?
Many, many thousands, thousands of years ago. The first
record as is given is as that recorded in Job, who lived
before Moses was.
Are the tendencies of an individual influenced most by
the planets nearer the earth at the time of the
individual's birth?
At, or from that one whom is at the zenith when the
individual is in its place or sphere, or as is seen from
that sphere or plane the soul and spirit took its flight
in coming to the earth plane. For each plane, in its
relation to the other, is just outside, just outside,
relativity of force, as we gather them together. [READING
Reading # 900-10
(Question) Does the soul choose the
planet to which it goes after each incarnation? If not,
what force does?
In the Creation, we find all force relative one with the
other, and in the earth's plane that of the flesh. In the
developing from plane to plane becomes the ramification,
or the condition of the will merited in its existence
finding itself through eons of time. In the illustration,
or manifestation in this, we find again in the man called
Jesus. When the soul reached that development in which it
reached earth's plane, it became in the flesh the model,
as it had reached through the developments in those
spheres, or planets, known in earth's plane, obtaining
then One in All. As in Mercury pertaining of Mind. In
Mars of Madness. In Earth as of Flesh. In Venus as Love.
In Jupiter as Strength. In Saturn as the beginning of
earthly woes, that to which all insufficient matter is
cast for the beginning. In that of Uranus as of the
Psychic. In that of Neptune as of Mystic. In Septimus as
of Consciousness. In Arcturus as of the developing. As to
various constellations, and of groups, only these
ramifications of the various existences experienced in
the various conditions.
Name the planets in order of the soul's development and
give the principal influence of each.
These have been given. Their influences, their
developments may be changed from time to time, according
to the individual's will forces, speaking from human
viewpoint. This we find again illustrated in this: In
this man called Jesus we find at a One-ness with the
Father, the Creator, passing through all the various
stages of development. In mental perfect, in wrath
perfect, in flesh made perfect, in love become perfect,
in death become perfect, in psychic become perfect, in
mystic become perfect, in consciousness become perfect,
in the greater ruling forces becoming perfect, and is as
the model, and through the compliance with such laws made
perfect, destiny, the pre-destined, the fore-thought, the
will, made perfect. The condition made perfect, and is an
ensample for man, and only as a man, for He lived only as
man. He died as man. [900-10]
