"How I Quit Smoking?"
Oliver of webpage
shares his experience on "How I quit smoking?" with Internet community. It is hoped that you are inspired by his success. It is written in Object Structural format, with most description comes from Oliver.
This article is now transfered to QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase. The preview was posted on this page from 11th June, 1998 to 10th June, 2000.
It addresses the following:
- Client's experience in quitting smoking
- Why will power and rationalisation to quit smoking is not sufficient?
- Distinction made on foundamental choice and primary / secondary choice in life
- Oscillation effect between quitting and resuming smoking
- Underlying cause to difficulties to quit smoking
- What should be the fundamentaly driving force?
The above particulary knowledge object is at "How I Quit Smoking"
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By Andrew Wong, 11th June.1998
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