QuaSyLaTic Virtual Community (QVC)

- Stages of development -


This page gives a summary of various stages of QVC development, some stastitics and framework towards a Shared Vision. It also serves to give a developmental perspective to new members or interested parties. There will be regular update to this page.

Basic Information and Statistics

QVC started on 25th Dec. 98
--> As of 20th Mac 2000 <--
Countries No of members Cum. No.
Argentina 1 1
Australia 1 2
Brazil 2 4
Canada 3 7
Chile 1 8
China 1 9
Hong Kong 1 10
India 1 11
Indonesia 1 12
Ireland 1 13
Israel 1 14
Italy 1 15
Korea 1 16
Macau 1 17
Malaysia 17 34
Mauritius 1 35
Nicaragua 1 36
South Africa 2 38
Sweden 1 39
Taiwan 1 40
United Kingdom 2 42
USA 15 57
Venezuela 1 58
-No mention of country- 4 62

Members' Knowledge, Techniques and Skills (KTS) database

From data initially gathered from members, the following lists domains of KTS (Knowledge, Techniques and Skills) of members. As we interact more with each other, more KTS will surface. One of the objectives of this QVC is to improve own KTS by learning from each other. Guiding ideas of KTS is "anything that can help a person to be effective, creative in finding fulfilment in life.". This can be excellence in career, hobbies, technology, systems, family, organisation or society.

Members KTS domains
---> As of 23rd Jan 99 <---
Having Knowledge in ... Having Skills in .... Experienced in using techniques to achieve ..... As a 'role' 'position' 'player in' ...
[Leadership] [Motivation] [Innovation] [System Thinking] [Lateral Thinking] [Large scale change] [NLP] [Knowledge Management]
[Banking] [Distribution] [Engineering] [Manufacturing] [Marketing] [Mgt Consultant] [Transportation] [Utilities] [Oil & Gas Industry] [Port Management] [Government] [College / University] [Printing Organisation] [Hospital] [Advertising media]
[Stock Market Technical Analysis] [Strategic planning] [Theory of Constraint (TOC)] [ISO 14000 Environment Mgt System] [ISO 9000 Quality System] [General Systems Theory] [Large scale systems with multi-vairables] [Systemic behaviour Modelling in "chaotic" and/or self-sustaining mutli-level systems] [Psycho-history" - requirements, potentials, and calculus][Mathematical Psychology] [Econometrics] [Andragology]
[Organisation Thinker] [Chinese Writer] [Journal Editor] [Engineer] [Executive] [Senior Management] [Sr. Research Engineer] [Mgt Consultant] [Minister] [Yoga] [Programmer] [Professor]

Proposed Member Participation Framework

Please use your JoinBot password to assess mailing list Archive to read previous correspondance from members before you take part in QVC discussion, as this will help you to appreciate the background better. You could enter from this main homepage and click on ListBot red button

QVC Members' Homepage (In the order of date of registration)


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By Andrew Wong, Initiated 2nd Jan,1999


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