The many ?s about
Coaching & Mentoring Service
Andrew Wong


In the course of my coaching and mentoring services, there are recurrence questions and discussion. The purpose of this article is to make a summary of such queries and to share with the readers of this homepage. It is hoped that such clarification and explanation can trigger some thought on how we could build a "Coaching community" whereby we could learn from each other and thus build a quality society with sound footing on organizational entities in which we are a part.

Why Coaching and not consultancy?

As a keen "organization observer and thinker" and being an "insider" of a large corporation, an insight is gained that high investment in external consultancy services, training etc. does not and cannot necessary produce the desired outcome - be it organizational effectiveness, highly motivated and team spirited staff, or excellence in all aspects.

External consultants generally provide concepts, theories, tools and techniques (with some training) and the organization is left on its own to manage and practice. It is doubtful whether effective learning can take place by giving 10-days, or 20-days theory, demonstration and practical training on golf and expect students to become good golfer. It is more true that consistent and disciplined practice, coupled with good coaching from a golf pro generates better result in mastery of the necessary skills.

In this respect, there is a acute shortage of experienced and professional personal coach and mentor to organizational members. Such critical role is to compliment the expensive investment in external consultancy and training. (Refer "Why Is Organization Excellence still an illusive dream? - Organization Mystery : Why we still can't excel?",

What is QCMS approach?

"QuaSyLaTic Coaching and Mentoring Service" is made available to the Internet community using email facilities. Electronic Coaching and Mentoring is something new, with its pros and cons. In spite of the fact that coaching is not "face to face", there are many other benefits that can be derived from e-coaching. One of the benefits is that emailing process is also a self-reflection and review process, an essential learning mechanism for the clients. Hence the limitation of emailing with "delay" and "break" and "writing instead of talking" becomes an advantage for clients to "suspend" their original assumptions for objective and creative reflection and review.

Two types of participation are offered a) individuals, and b) a group of people or virtual team. In the later case, beside playing the role as coach / mentor, another essential role is facilitator or virtual community organiser.

Coaching always start from the current context or situation of the clients. Structural tension is to be created between the current reality with the vision, objectives, goals or the future. Sometime the future or vision is not clear, then crystallization process is required. At other time, the goals may be there, but personal mastery of certain knowledge, techniques and skills is required. Coaching and mentoring is Action-Learning oriented, less of intellectualizing and philosophizing. At the end of the day, it is hoped that some effective action by the clients is taken to achieve something originally set for, or a transformation of life or behavior.

Very often, coaching write-up is in the form of structural thinking object coding in the form of knowledge or insights gained or discovered. Clients are encouraged to use the currently free subscription of Internet knowledge database (Outsights), where more then 800 knowledge objects are coded based on my past observations and coaching carried out. The knowledgebase also contains knowledge and wisdom of many other associates. (Note: Knowledge coding is of general concept of the context, not reviewing any personal information of client or organization)

How could organization benefit from QCMS?

Organizational effectiveness and excellence depends on a few pro-active leaders (not necessary the institutionalized authority figures, nor just the top hierarchy), with high vision and appropriate knowledge, techniques and skills and their mastery, to act as change agents constantly enlarging their sphere of influence towards shared goals and collective wisdom of all stakeholders.

QuaSyLaTic Coaching and Mentoring Service aim to develop, discover or to rekindle such leadership, not just for the success of the organization, but also the individuals. It is my belief that there is no organizational success if there is no individuals personal fulfillment and happiness.

What is QuaSyLaTic?

It is a thinking model, based on a few important concepts : a) Quality philosophy e.g. Dr. Deming's Profound Knowledge and others, b) System Thinking as per Dr. Peter Senge's Learning Organization, c) Lateral thinking as per Dr. Edward de Bono's creativity thinking and d) Holistic approach as per Dr. Alvin Toffler's "The Third Waves".

Refer QuaSyLaTic for a pictorial presentation of the model.

I have written a small book on the above. For those interested, email your postal address and I will snail mail you a free copy.

What about SMI?

SMI, or Small Medium Industries organizations, have always been at disadvantages due to lack of economic of scale and hence budget to engage expensive management consultant on some critical new management knowledge and training. For example, they could not afford full time Quality Manager to take care of ISO 9000 certification, nor Health Safety Environment Manager to ensure compliance to legislation, or Human Resources Manager to take care of human resource development. Electronic coaching and mentoring to a few selected personnel of the small organizations can be an inexpensive way to overcome some of the above problems.

Who is to coach the "official coach"?

Modern manager is faced with a real dilemma, as organization expects him or her to not only manage the core business well, but also human resources. The manager is expected to be skillful in motivating, coaching and inspiring people. Besides the functional manager title, he or she should be quality manager, human resource manager, health safety and environment manager. Manager is expected to perform like superman and wise man of all knowledge, trades and what not. The manager is sent to a 3-days or 5-days training courses on the said subjects. After which he or she is sent straight into the battlefield. In reality, while the manager is expected to be coach or mentor to staff, the miserable manager desperately needs a personal coach and mentor to help him or her to stand on his or her own feet.

QCMS aims to overcome such dilemma and gaps. It has the advantage of helping the managers to stand on their own feet in a more personal and private manner, instead of announcing their inadequacies to the whole world.

Should company sponsor their staff to sign up with QCMS?

Coaching and Mentoring hinge on personal relationship. The success of individual clients and organization from the QCMS depends on a few factors : a) knowledge and skills of the coach / mentor, b) free will and personal conviction of the clients, that lead to sound personal relationship building. Hence company sponsorship of staff (by instruction) and staff responds merely out of obligation, may not work very well. However, there are possibilities that in the course of coaching and mentoring, a change may take place for the better. The message is : if company wishes to sponsor their staff for QCMS (i.e. offering to pay for the fees), emphasis must be made that it is on free will basic.


As coaching and Mentoring is strictly a personal relationship, confidentiality of personal information of client or organization is of utmost important. Even if the staff is sponsored by the company, no report will be forwarded by undersigned about the client (staff) to the company management. However, company is encouraged to seek regular feedback from the staff on the progress of the coaching and mentoring.

You are most welcome to email me, any other queries not addressed in the above.


The key learning from the coaching and mentoring service, the recurrence issues raised and discussed ... are captured under QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase Reflection and Inspirational Corner. You can access on subscription basic
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By Andrew Wong, 3rd September,1999


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