Scientists are the most pragmatic and self-confident of all personality types. Decisions come easily to them. They are a builders of systems and the appliers of theoretical models. Andrew Wong, You are a Scientist
Scientists make up about 1% of the total population.
Some Preferences: Draw energy from one's internal world of ideas, emotions or impressions. Take in information through a 'sixth sense,' noticing what might be. Jung calls this 'unconscious perceiving.' Organize and structure information to decide in a logical, objective way. Live a planned and organized life.
Key Focus/Emotional Need: Competence, Knowledge
To Lead and ControlBeliefs and Behaviors:
Try to understand "whys" of the universe. Very demanding of self and others. Goal setter. A driver. "Should have known" and "Should have done better." Cooly objective; straightforward and logical in dealing with others. Reluctance to state the obvious; little redundancy in communication. Work is for improvement, perfection, proof of skills. Love of knowledge. Management style: visionary, architect of systems, builder. Most likely Hippocratic Humour (modern usage): Choleric. Spiritual style: St. Thomas Aquinas.
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c 1997 eMail-Andrew Wong