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This article describes a Facilitation Design and Process for a group of 70+ company staff looking at various business issues.
The company had identified 7 business issues with 7 teams working on the issues. A day was arranged for the 7 teams leaders to present their finding and action plan to their colleagues and company management and staff of different divisions and departments.
The presentation day was meant, not only for presentation to the company, but to generate new ideas and action for greater synergy and creativity. There were 7 papers presented to over 70+ people. And a whole day was dedicated to such event.
This article describes the actual facilitation design and process undertaken by undersigned as the lead facilitator. Most of the company members have been trained in Organizational Learning, and the paper presentation utilized two of the five disciplines i.e. Mental Models and Systems Thinking in describing their stories. The facilitation design focuses on Shared Visions, Team Learning, Personal Mastery and Mental Models disciplines.
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By Andrew Wong, 12th Dec, 2001
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