Observation and Reflection on "e-Learning 2000 Conference"

E-Learning 2000 Conference was held from 25-28th May, 2000 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There were a variety of interesting papers (see http://www.e-learning2000.com.my). The conference was well attended by academia, educational institutions, corporations, IT software and hardware vendors, government agencies, etc.

In broad summary, the conference highlighted the followings:

From the presentation by various speakers and Question & Answer sessions, the following observations were made.

There is a prevalent mental models among speakers and the audience (in view of very little challenges from the floor), that :

The detection of such mental models or underlying assumptions and beliefs was made, as they became most obvious on reactions to questions like :

The answers and opinions expressed were generally :

Similarly frequent questions and comments from the floor were

The above observations are made by looking at the bottom of the iceberg i.e. Mental models and Belief Systems from the behavior and expression of thoughts.. These observations do not imply in any way the right or wrong of the things. Trying to understand the underlying assumptions made is not meant to be judgmental at all, but to understand the basics of the thought pattern.

In fact many of the thoughts and opinions expressed are legitimate. They appear to be true on the surface, or conclusion made after some experience of things that happened. They may sound logical and as such they are taken for granted without anymore deeper probing.

Thoughts govern human behavior. Many unquestioned and unchallenged thoughts can lead to unintended negative consequence, producing long term disastrous results especially in this highly interconnected and interdependent new era.

The followings are some discussion on different perspectives to the above stated paradigm in thoughts:


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By Andrew Wong, 29th April, 2000


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