Coaching of a Business Owner


A business owner has several time expressed difficulties of his business performance. He is a civil engineering contractor, started several years ago single-handedly, presently having 7 permanent staff, with average 50 contract workers, depending on contract work volume. The following is a record of the 1st coaching session.

S.O.W.T analysis on Business Environment by the business Owner

Strength: Weakness

S.O.W.T analysis on Business Organisation by the business Owner

Strength: Weakness

S.O.W.T. Self-analysis of the business Owner

Strength Weakness

Business Learning for Effective Action

From the above perceptions and opinions of the business owner, this coach used system audit techniques to verify and demonstrate some of above Strength and Weakness. From the revelation of the actual evidence (e.g. contract file, records, document, etc.), and further discussion, the business owners realised the following important learning:


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By Andrew Wong, 4th Feb. 1998


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