The Ridiculous "5 Why?" Approach

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This article describes observations made of an expensive foreign management consultant conducting a workshop for a senior management team on "problem solving". This author examines critically the theory and rationale of the consultant and the behavior and response from the participants.

The management of the client is serious in learning new technology to overcome the many complex issues faced by the organization. They have tried many "problem solving" methods, but problems seem to not only never dis-appear, but get worse.

The consultant claimed that the theory he used is in accordance to the theories in Learning Organization, made popular by Dr. Peter Senge in his book "The 5th Discipline". And Organizational Learning is what the client looks for in the workshop.

A Story from "The 5th Discipline"

Demonstration of application of "5 Why?" to Business Issues

The Many Flaws of the "5 Why?" theory

The Message of the 5 Why Story

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By Andrew Wong, 5th Oct, 2001


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