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Hello. My name is Kymberlie Renee McGuire. I live in Spring, Texas, which is right outside of Houston. Well, you're still probably wondering who I am. For one thing, I am a lover of all types of music and movies. Another major part of my life, a definitive portion of it even, is my love for the written word. I am a voracious reader and cannot stand it when I don't have a book nearby. I have dedicated a significant portion of my homepage to this in both my books section and my anthologies section which is where I review certain authors and books that you might enjoy. Also, I have a poetry page which displays many of my favorite poems for your perusal. Also, as of late, I've been using the Internet to actually make money (no this isn't some kind of scam or Amway ad). If you want to make money for surfing, shopping, having a start page, taking surveys, or anything else, please come inside! Feel free to click on the cool links that I have listed below and please make sure to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think. My page has garnered many awards and accolades, so be sure and check them out. I also have two great pages, one of which links banners and organizations and another that contains WebRings, that would be worth a visit. Also, please visit my page dedicated to Ladies of the Heart, the best friends anyone could ever wish for.

My friend Justin and I recently have started a movie review page to assist you in your quest to find that off-beat, bizarre movie that just makes your day. At Mutant Reviewers From Hell, we only deal with strange movies, so you'll be sure to come across a rare gem of a film that you've probably never even heard of. Be sure to drop by. Your life will never be the same.

Visit the Mutant Movie Reviewers From Hell!


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The best opera on Broadway!
The Internet Movie Database. Learn everything about any movie!
The X-Files. Best show on television!
Deus Ex Machina. Mystery Science Theater 3000 Links!
Dragon Dice. The best role-playing game!
David Winter Cottages. Collect them; I do!
El-Fish. The best pets to have!
Bargain Books. The best place in the Houston area to find any book!
Matrix Space Interactive. A great interactive New Age page!
Dead People Server. Find out which celebrities are alive and which are dead!
My Virtual Reference Desk. Find the answer to anything on the Net! Search

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The "Something Interesting" image was created for me by the wonderful Mighty Grapholina, a very talented human being. Please pay her a visit. Thanks, Graphy! ~Hugs~

Special Message: Any images that are being pulled from another server have been done with the expressed permission of the owners. All other images reside on my own or my family's accounts. I do not condone bandwidth stealing. All images and songs are also considered to be public domain. If I have anything that is copyrighted, please let me know.