Leave your comments, ideas and bug reports here.

xor37h - 12/23/00 22:38:19
My Email:budspencer@popit.dk
Comment, Bug, Idea: multiserver feature!

Proficient is a GREAT script, I find myself these days that I cant irc without it, however a multiserver feature would own, sort of like the Armathan multiserver script avaliable from http://www.mircx.com/... Btw Ipggi, we're we in some warez group together back in the day ? LoK or LVL4 or something ? Take care, xor37h

Ipggi - 10/18/00 21:23:18
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix?

The GFTPD script is poorly coded for use with other scripts.. it likes to force you to use a set directory. I found if you installed the script to \gftpd then you get the script to work.. but it then gets locked into a continous loop equesting a directory .. maybe the script isnt compatible with the mirc version used with proficient .. i dont know.

Robert - 10/16/00 13:18:54
My Email:johndoe000@1nol.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Re: Gftpd Script

The url is http://guildftpd.ztnet.com/

ipggi - 10/12/00 17:31:42
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug help?

Can you give me the url of the script and i see what is the problem?

rOBERT - 10/11/00 22:08:25
My Email:johndoe000@1nol.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Not Compatible with GFTP Script

Profieient has always been great. I'd like to see it work with the Gftp Script though. Any fix I can make?

Ipggi - 09/02/00 13:50:05
My Email:ipggi@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bugs

Well you can adjust and turn both of those features off.

dizz - 09/01/00 18:36:30
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

Does not work correctly in scandinavian countries. Thinks, that ö and ä are unsual ascii Message Flood and Join Flood is too tight.

Ipggi - 08/20/00 01:08:51
Comment, Bug, Idea: Umm

Ummm. i think that is a problem with mirc and your machine .. proficient is just a script and shouldn't be able to do that. :)

matt - 08/19/00 23:28:23
My Email:mattm@naxs.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug??

ok, i can't even load the mirc, i got the full download, v4.1, and i get an illegal operation every time i try to load it, here is the details it gives, i don't understand it, maybe you do, should i just get the mini version? MIRC32 caused an exception 01H in module MIRC32.EXE at 0157:00414b10. Registers: EAX=80040154 CS=0157 EIP=00414b10 EFLGS=00000282 EBX=005432b4 SS=015f ESP=016cfc28 EBP=016cfc34 ECX=00518078 DS=015f ESI=00518686 FS=6167 EDX=00000000 ES=015f EDI=005432b4 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b c7 66 a5 b8 02 00 00 00 e9 f3 00 00 00 c7 05 Stack dump: 016cfc74 00000448 00000000 016cfc6c 004af78b 005432b4 00000001 016cfc74 00008ce2 016cfcbe 00020000 75e00001 17970000 256a8c76 7c000000 00010001

Ipggi - 07/09/00 11:40:03
Comment, Bug, Idea: Colours

There is no need to strip the colour codes. You can change the script colours using the
Script Setup --> Visuals dialog. Afterwards just modify 'listbox text, editbox text, and own text' using Mirc's Colour dialog (Colour button).

fluor_ - 07/08/00 16:45:37
My URL:http://hal.n3.net
My Email:hallstein@usa.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

Great script/program! :) But... I want to use black backgroundcolor! I tried the setup and specified primary colors, but it won't work. The script must be configurable so I can specify my own colors please! Now I had to go through the whole script and strip away the color-codes.

Ipggi - 07/07/00 15:02:43
Comment, Bug, Idea: Pager

If someone wants to page you they must /ctcp (your nick) !page

Maybe I should make it automatically page you when someone messages you?

Robert - 07/07/00 04:42:24
My Email:firefli@earthlink.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Pager

It seems that the pager feature does not work when I'm set to be away. Great script by the way! I've been using it for some time now. Hope you can fix the page feature. Thanks

Hellion - 07/02/00 17:51:04
My Email:chrisvl@super11.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Ok

Ok, that solved my problem. thanks. but i wont be able to use the lagmeter function...

Ipggi - 07/02/00 14:58:45
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix Mk2

Okay now ive looked at the problem again and I think it is narrowed down to this. The automatic lag checker associated with the titlebar. try typing this when you are online to see if this problem continues ..
/timerlagtimer off
Tell me if you have any luck.

Ipggi - 07/02/00 14:52:03
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix

I know the problem you are talking about .. it is in relation to the IRC server/network you are using. Try a different network (like Efnet) and you will see that the message does not appear.

Hellion - 07/02/00 04:34:40
My Email:chrisvl@super11.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug (?)

Me again. And again the same complaint. I'm using the new 4.1 and I still receiving those annoying msg... it looks like a script message in the status window... and it keeps repeating each 30 seconds... "Hellion has identified for this nick" Thanks again... sorry to keep asking if this is a bug... it's just that I really enjoy using your script.

Amojeba - 06/27/00 21:33:42
My Email:amojeba@yahoo.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Question

Hi, I was wondering if I could download an archive version of Proficient? I was not able for the life of me to find a link on ur site to download the archives, they were just listed there. If it's possible, I'd appreciate it. I want to get version: Proficient 3.00 for Mirc 5.41 Thx, email me if u can send it to me.

Ipggi - 06/07/00 12:04:30
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bugs

Mirc with scripts sometimes does strange things to some computers. There have been no reports of bugs that are simular to yours. The file serve works fine on all the machines (and operating systems) ive tried. Same goes with the user list but thanks for m ntioning it.

prorunner - 06/07/00 03:14:56
My Email:cw@execs.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug

the user list fails to work. and the use of the fserve locks up mirc. after online for 10 mins, mirc suddently locks up..

Ipggi - 05/15/00 12:26:51
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

No this is definately something to do with the server im guessing.

Christian - 05/14/00 15:17:43
My Email:chrisvl@super11.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug(?)

I'm a BrasNET BrasIRC user (they're just like Dalnet) and after I've identify with nickserv I keep receiving "NICK is a registered nick" in status, and this is not a notice from nickserv could this be a bug?

Ipggi - 05/03/00 16:13:24
Comment, Bug, Idea: Reply

The script advert is ment to show script> in front of the advert. Shows the channel that it is an automated message. As for the colour.. that also can be set by going to Script Setup > Miscellanious > and select Include colour codes in public messages.

Ipggi - 05/03/00 13:29:09
Comment, Bug, Idea: Argh

Argh you killed the guest book?! :)

dream - 05/02/00 04:08:12
My Email:triley22@hotmail.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: fserve bug!

the fserve after the patch when it advertises it puts script> before the words... : script> My file server is currently open, just type !dream in this channel. I also think you should colorize the ad itself... -dream

Ipggi - 04/30/00 12:03:43
Comment, Bug, Idea: Thanks

Thanks a lot Craven.

Craven - 04/28/00 16:22:23
My Email:koveraasen@sensewave.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Great!!

Love your script!!... 4.0 is the best script ever for mIRC...

Ipggi - 03/08/00 11:48:03
Comment, Bug, Idea: More bugs :)

I can not reproduce this whois problem for the life of me. I would have nothing to do with the default dir I dont think because the script never references the default, it uses $scriptdir instead. (like all scripts should).

CoJoNEs - 03/08/00 07:07:05
My Email:cojones@nospam.quic.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

When doing a whois in the active window, not in the status window. I get an error * $read: invalid parameters (line 259, miscellaneous.mrc) That line refers to the countrycodes.txt file in the script/ini/ directory. The file exists with lots of info like AD Andorra. If I comment out the line it works without errors but no country code. If it matters at all I did not install to the default directory. Using Version 4.00 I think this is the same problem I reported when test the beta version of 4. This is the second computer I installed on, never do I use the default directory to install to if that matters. Thanks for any help.

Esoteric - 02/23/00 05:09:06
My Email:Esoteric@Defacto2.Net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Proficient 4.0

Think you can make it play .IT files? :)

Robert - 02/22/00 23:32:11

I noticed that the starting credits in the fserve setup don't really matter. If some one runs out of credits it just goes into the negative.

Ipggi - 02/19/00 10:14:08
Comment, Bug, Idea: Answers

The problems with the sockwrite command means the script can not connect to the proficient news server to obtain updated information. Its not too important if you cant do this. As for the SPEAKTOME problem. All i can say is that if you installed a 'clean' copy of proficient 4.0 you should not get this problem. Proficient never tries to run this command so Im guessing an addon script that you have loaded with the same mirc.exe is the cause of your problems.

ttomi - 02/13/00 22:50:10
My Email:chuck@freemail.hu
Comment, Bug, Idea: BUG?

I install proficient 4.0. Running the script, and script send to me this message in status window: [Error] The command SPEAKTOME doesn't exist [Error] The command SPEAKTOME doesn't exist ............. why? pls send answer to this forum or to my email adress. Thanx! proficient very very good script! my toplist: littlestar7.0 45/50 score from 1998 dec proficient4.0 41 score from 2000 jan :)) any script x.x 30 from xxxx

danny - 02/13/00 10:17:38
My Email:hantu@usa.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug

as i always got this everytime when i started up my mirc /sockwrite: 'proficient-check' not connected (line 83, miscellaneous.mrc)

Ipggi - 01/16/00 17:10:04
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Report

Only one known bug has been reported so far, and that is of mirc reporting /ruser, user not found or something of the like. This seems to be caused when someone does something sudden then quits irc and mirc is acting slow :) But it is fixable.

Also a problem i can not fix is some mirc bugs with the CHAT/QUERY which prevents you from using some features from within it (via the popup menus). For example, inviting, users, ignore etc.

Ipggi - 01/11/00 16:23:27
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix

That undernet server problem seems to be something wrong with mirc. mirc seems to like doing wierd stuff to people including myself sometimes.

The_Crow - 01/11/00 09:22:41
My Email:thecrow@silcom.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Undernet servers address

hehe, this is kind of a funny one, not sure how it got by but, all the undernet server addresses end in ".orf" instead of ".org". Thought you might like to know, other than that I've been use'n this script for over a year now and love it! Thanks man :)

Ipggi - 01/10/00 13:34:30
Comment, Bug, Idea: Fix

No there is no way of turning off the nicklist colours atm as I assumed no one bothered changing the blackground colour of the nick list box. Try using white or light gray.

TheAce - 01/09/00 16:01:10
My Email:TheAce@nirvanafan.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Nicklist colors?

Umm, is there any way to disable nicklist colors... When I upgraded to 4.0 the colors went crazy. I used to have all nicks in the list in white, now they're different for ops, voice and regular.

Ipggi - 12/26/99 00:03:40
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fixed

Okay i found out the problem with the ban/kick and this can be fixed easy enough.

SoNiK - 12/25/99 22:17:33
My URL:http://sonik.hypermart.net
My Email:sonik@phayze.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Possibly Bad Idea?

Hey Ipggi... I've noticed a few things in your script that aren't really good. Here is what I mean: [#blaze] ZeroFire has been kicked by SoNiK (haw haw) [#blaze] *!*david@*.pbc.adelphia.net has been banned by SoNiK *** ZeroFire (david@surf3-145-73.pbc.adelphia.net) has joined #blaze [#blaze] ZeroFire has been opped (+o) by ChanServ [#blaze] ZeroFire has been kicked by y0shi (Banned: *!*david@*.pbc.adelphia.net) If you notice, it set the kick first, and most people have auto-rejoin on, so they just rejoin, having me to kick them again. Hmm, I never noticed this in the other version(s).. is this a bug, or is that the way you intended on the b/k being? Thanks =)

Ipggi - 12/23/99 00:40:13
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bugs Finally

If that is all the bugs you can think of then Im going to start work on the final release.

pneurosys - 12/19/99 00:43:37
My Email:pneurosys@lords.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

Well, I think this is a bug, when I finish a dcc send I get this: "/write: insufficient parameters (line 252, fileserver.mrc)"

Hellion - 12/17/99 20:12:12
My Email:chrisvl@priest.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug?

when i've typed /nick "nick" i've received * /auser: insufficient parameters (line 220, channel-protection.mrc) but it changed my nick...

Ipggi - 12/17/99 15:28:04
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix

Scorp please give me more details, when does this error message occure, as I can not reproduce it yet.

Hellion - 12/17/99 04:03:25
My Email:chrisvl@priest.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug

after i've joined a chan with only me (when i creat a chan) the status window wont stop to msg me that "my nick" is a registered nick...

Hellion - 12/17/99 04:00:45
My Email:chrisvl@priest.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: bug

the menu miscellaneous setup doesn't save the changes i made... after i close that window it restores it vallues to the default...

Scorp - 12/16/99 19:44:39
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

/did: invalid parameters (line 62, startup.mrc)

Ipggi - 12/14/99 20:41:52
Comment, Bug, Idea: Stuck

I can not reproduce this bug for the life of me. You have a file in \script\ini\ titled countrycodes.txt that lists the countries like so .. AD Andorra

Tim Hunter - 12/14/99 03:55:08
My Email:cojones_nospam@quic.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug?

Just tried it again, downloaded new version. Deleted the old one. When whois is active window is turned on I get the following in the status window - * $read: invalid parameters (line 258, miscellaneous.mrc) - |-USER-| is somelamer@poo.aolboner.com * http://I.love.aol.com everything shows up properly in active window however

Ipggi - 12/12/99 19:10:42
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix

Okay to fix just create a blank file in script/ini/ named channel-protection.txt.

Scorpio of df2 - 12/12/99 18:41:08
My Email:scorpio@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: the script keeps reporting this.. could you pls look into it?

* $read: error opening c:\program files\proficient 4.0\script\ini\channel-protection.txt (line 343, channel-protection-menu.mrc)

Ipggi - 12/10/99 18:11:13
Comment, Bug, Idea: Confused

Okay I did include the conutrycodes.txt file in the zip already so that shouldn't be the problem. I have installed a clean copy of the beta script and tried to reproduce that whois bug but can't. All my whois tries are successful with no error messages. D d you do a clean install or overwrite a previous Proficient?

Ipggi - 12/10/99 18:03:42
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix

It seems I got too over zealus when I was packing this thing and accidently deleted all the text files the script requires. Damn this is a bit annoying. Okay Ill fix that asap, and then hopefully we can find some actual code problems :)

Tim Hunter - 12/09/99 23:08:49
My Email:cojonesnospam@quic.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

On any /whois I get * $read: invalid parameters (line 258, miscellaneous.mrc) not sure how to fix yet but I do get the results in the active window, so im not overly worried, just annoyed...well minorly annoyed

Ipggi - 12/09/99 20:02:29
My Email:ipggi@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug Fix

Okay I have sorted the titlebar.txt problem out and new *fixed* versions of the script have been uploaded to the sites. (Lucky it's beta right?). Anyway if you dont wanna redownload the script for one text file you just simply create your own blank titleb r.txt file and that will surfice.

Tim Hunter - 12/09/99 02:49:04
My Email:cojonesnospam@quic.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

Just installed 4.0 beta, was very excited. Got the error * $read: error opening c:\internet\proficient\script\ini\titlebar.txt, stopped being excited. Copied titlebar.ini to titlebar.txt got excited again. Hopefully thats the only minor problem =)

Ipggi - 11/05/99 20:21:07

Hahaha Sensi you basted. Email me sometime you lamer!

guess - 11/04/99 14:35:32
My Email:ipggay@defacto2.net

this script act exactly like its author: gay.

SoNiK - 10/25/99 02:42:59
My URL:http://sonik.hypermart.net
My Email:sonik@hehe.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Update...

Hi Ipggi, sorry about the delayed response, i totally forgot about my post on the board. I fired up away.mrc and edited the .mm to .nn - now everything is great, thanks for your help :)

Ipgg - 10/04/99 00:35:52

Sorry sonic I know exactly what you are talking about and its a bug in the script. If you know how to script i can tell you how too fix it. In the script look for $asctime(HH.mm and replace it with $asctime(HH.nn

SoNiK - 10/03/99 05:17:53
My URL:http://sonik.hypermart.net
My Email:sonik@hehe.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: possible bug ?

As always, great script Ipggi. However, i did find a (possible) bug in the script. Everytime i display my local time, i get this: In my timezone it's 10:10:pm, Saturday 02/10/99 (+0 hours GMT) Everything is fine except the fact its always 10 after every hour. I noticed this in the away function too: * SoNiK- is gone. [10:10pm][Log:off][Page:on] (test) This is probably an error on my part, i searched through all the options, but could not locate anything that allowed me to edit the timezone feature. Thanks :)

Ipggi - 10/02/99 03:00:40
Comment, Bug, Idea: New Proficient

Okay I will confirm there is a new version of Proficient for Mirc 5.61 in the works.

surfing - 09/22/99 18:36:35
My URL:http://www.scene.hu/~ramjam
My Email:surfing@c64.org
Comment, Bug, Idea: nothing

proficient rocks :)

Ipggi - 09/20/99 20:33:37
Comment, Bug, Idea: Download problems

Try again, the server was prob down for a while.

- 09/20/99 20:33:10


Tom Mitchell - 09/20/99 19:32:15
My Email:tomitch@microtech.com.au
Comment, Bug, Idea: Web Page problem

Unable to use download section, is link ok? Ta Tom

John - 08/20/99 03:35:00
My Email:johndoe@netzero.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

I found that when I add a nick to my frien list and give protection, when they use a ctcp command to voice themself they get a message saying ctcp extras disabled. I have set all the settings in the script to allow almost everything and it still won't wo k. However auto voice or auto op does work.

Ipggi - 08/19/99 14:06:25
Comment, Bug, Idea: Idea

Thanks John, Ill look into those two items :)

john - 08/18/99 02:19:53
My Email:johndoe000@netzero.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

I noticed that when a click on clear logs, the logs are actually not cleared

john - 08/17/99 21:15:22
My Email:johndoe000@netzero.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug, Idea

First I notice when I'm set the away with pager on. I doesn't play a sound when I'm paged. It leaves a message saying don't use /play to play a sound use /splay. Second, If I set the credits to zero for the fserve, a user can still download anyway. T ier new credits will show negatives. IDEA. Being able to set the file server and file offerings to only display their advertisements in certain channels instead of all channels. Great Script by the way! I love all the features. Keep up the good work!!!

Ipggi - 07/26/99 16:57:19

Thanks for the information. Yeah Mirc's ini files have a size limit of 30 or so kb.

Peter - 07/26/99 15:37:49
My Email:tajiger@jedi.flocknet.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug, music addon

I found a bug using your music addon for Proficient 3.1. "* /writeini: too large: 'd:\profic~1\script\ini\music.ini' (line 232, music.mrc)" This was when I scanned a dir for mp3s, it found ~ 540 of them. I am not sure you can use writeini for files bigger than a certain size. I used the command filter (ok, you miss the .ini) in my own mp3/mp4/vqf addon, tested for 7500+ mp3s and it works... You may want to look into it, I thought.. /Peter, Sweden

Ipggi - 07/13/99 13:23:08

Ill look into those bugs and suggestions. Though no one else has had problems with the file server including myself.

Hellion - 07/11/99 16:51:53
My Email:cvl@hehe.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug (i guess...)

I can't turn off the f-serv ad... if the f-serv is on and the f-serv ad is set to off the scrip wont stop to send it to chans... if the f-serv is off i keep receiving the msg from the script that the ad can't be displayed because the f-serv is off... is t ere a way to hide the names in status when you join a chan? ([#mp3_metal] nicks are: Spectro fearnot asdf Cobra` meshuggen @RockinMP3...) One idea for you: i would relly like to see Proficient to be able to play vqf audio files... there's a plug-in for wi amap to play those files or even better players (kjofol)... but this is just an idea... keep the good job with proficient! see ya!

giovanni - 06/27/99 20:21:26
My Email:giovannich@hotmail.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: ignore it doesn't go and. . . .

as speaking deprives some I see msg: *** Added *!*truc@ to ignore list for 90 secs yet flood doesn't write myself merely msg deprives some, not of " v " in the flood and other to see of or that came thnks ,escuse me little english, best regard

Ipggi - 06/04/99 21:19:13
My URL:/athens/5526
My Email:ipggi@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Comment

Seeing Mirc 5.6 is out and Mirc 5.61 should be out a few weeks after it seems I will have to convert Proficient 3.1 to the new version. So expect a Proficient 3.1 Public Beta test on Mirc 5.61 sometime after the mirc is released.

{}DeAtH{} - 06/02/99 03:40:18
My URL:http://www.x-pression.org
My Email:death@xpression.org
Comment, Bug, Idea: Ummmmmm

Well i must send props to seffy and say that i love the skript but the strangest thing happened last nite. I downloaded the 3.10 beta from the usa1 link using getright *yea im a slow modem blah* and well once it was done it said it was a invalid archive b cause it was missing a whole 1byte *gasp* now i dont know what caused this but thought i would let ya know. it oculd have been me but if not this will save some bitching later...

Ipggi - 05/31/99 14:13:34
My URL:/athens/5526
My Email:ipggi@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Comment

NOTE IF YOU GET A MESSAGE LIKE .. Unable to Process Request We're sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time. Typically this problem occurs when the database is extremely busy. Please try your request again at a later time. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Just ignore it, it means your entry has been saved just the guestbook cant be updated immediately.

Ipggi - 05/31/99 14:12:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/5526
My Email:ipggi@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Comment

Thanks for your bug reports keep them coming please.

Seffren - 05/30/99 10:46:43
My URL:http://www.defacto2.net
My Email:Seffren@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

Error in return message: * Seffren is back, I was away for 1534wks 3days 10hrs 38mins 20secs.

Seffren - 05/30/99 10:46:24
My URL:http://www.defacto2.net
My Email:Seffren@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug

Error in return message: * Seffren is back, I was away for 1534wks 3days 10hrs 38mins 20secs.

THE_FBI - 05/29/99 21:29:00
My Email:elite_fbi@yahoo.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug ?

Still locks up when you leave a chan before it syncs it after joining, old version did this too. Perhaps a mirc bug ? Friends menu is shorter than before ? or is that not intended, all i've got is protect, no add with +v, +o etc.

THE_FBI - 05/29/99 21:27:37
My Email:elite_fbi@yahoo.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug ?

Still locks up when you leave a chan before it syncs it after joining, old version did this too. Perhaps a mirc bug ? Friends menu is shorter than before ? or is that not intended, all i've got is protect, no add with +v, +o etc.

THE_FBI - 05/29/99 21:25:29
My Email:elite_fbi@yahoo.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug ?

Still locks up when you leave a chan before it syncs it after joining, old version did this too. Perhaps a mirc bug ? Friends menu is shorter than before ? or is that not intended, all i've got is protect, no add with +v, +o etc.

THE_FBI - 05/29/99 21:24:58
My Email:elite_fbi@yahoo.com
Comment, Bug, Idea: Bug ?

Still locks up when you leave a chan before it syncs it after joining, old version did this too. Perhaps a mirc bug ? Friends menu is shorter than before ? or is that not intended, all i've got is protect, no add with +v, +o etc.

Ipggi - 05/29/99 07:15:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/5526
My Email:ipggi@defacto2.net
Comment, Bug, Idea: Comment

The guestbook bugs have been fixed. Now how about some Proficient bugs :)

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