St. John's University

Rrof. Henry Ruhnke
Director of Executive in Residence Program

Executive In Residence Program
Contact Information:
Tel: (718) 990 - 1826
Fax: (718) 990 - 1868
Recent Publications
  • Development of Global Executive MBA
    Conducted a survey re: Executive MBA programs that have a global focus and summarized their characteristics. A recommendation concerning the possible structure of a CBA Global Executive MBA is being developed.
  • Publication:
    "Strategic Outsourcing: A Functional Perspective" (Spring 1999) Journal of Academy of Business Administration
  • Presentations:
    1. "One of the Lost Schools of Management Thought: The Fabulous Fifties of Value Oriented Practitioner Innovation and Creativity" (March 30, 1999) 1999 International Management Conference, The Society for the Advancement of Management.
    2. "Distance Education" First St. John's University, CBA Research Symposium (December 18, 1998)
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