'Girl Before a Mirror' by Pablo Picasso 'Devine Now!'

Devine Detours

'Devine Then!'

'Nu Bleu I' by Henri Matisse

Does life seem a little distorted, my friend? You've come to the right place!

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WELCOME to Devine Detours! I started this website in 1997 and continued to update it until August 2000. I haven't updated it further and may revamp the entire site in the future. Who knows? Anyway... You'll still find lots of resources listed on my web site! Just choose a topic and click on "GO" (By the way, my resume is no longer on-line.)

So, grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage! Stick around for a while and visit some of my favorite links by clicking a topic listed in the "drop down" box above or by clicking on the links below.

Kilroy was here!

Professional Links | Fun Stuff | Blast from the Past | Christian Links | Resume

Hey . . . I was working as FAST as I could to construct this web site. However, it has come to a screeching halt for now!
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Please feel free to email me by clicking on the ink pen icon or "Devine Detours" below. I'd love to hear from you!

© 1997-2001 Devine Detours

This web site last updated on April 20, 2001

Wow! Zillions of people have "detoured" with me!

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