One Twelve Interactive - The Language Solution

What does the people think ...

"The teachers and administrators who are taking the spanish classes are very happy with the results and are experiencing success with the language."
A.D.L.T. - Assistant Superintendent Mountain View School District

"I am one of a group of students...I am pleased to say to all who inquire that I, personnally, and the group as a whole, have made terrific progress in our hability to communicate."
Robert J. Margolis, M.D. - California Primary Phisicians Medical Group

"My five children bunch up at the PC...Even my 3 years old, who doesn't yet read in english, is learning to speak spanish..."
N. Keaton

"Your two courses: Spanish and English taught at our school are highly successful.. has the added advantage of teaching the second language naturally. The results in our school show that students learn to speak very rapidly when compared with students learning a second language using traditional learning methods."
James Coburn - Principal

"It has been pleasure to teach english as a second language using your program...I can honestly say it is one of the most sound, comprehensive and enjoyable programs I have ever used. More importantly, a greater number of students are experiencing success in acquiring english as a second language."
Pamela E. - Patrick Henry School

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