Origin of the Sexes

Random genetic mutation drives natural selection. The pressures of existence
and social order develops and shapes it for the organism. Different characteristics
adopted different roles in societies. Over time these preferences created
distinctive groups. Natural selection made the various groups more distinct
and specialized which provided positive feedback for the evolutionary
process. The geater the group differences the faster the changes. This
regenerative process developed different psyches and, over time, different
anatomical models.

Sex, then, is a creation of specialized roles powered by the survival instinct.
Attitudes, talents, and physical attributes are all practical solutions by natural
selection. Those life forms which failed to specialize perished. The challenges
of daily life were too great for a single animal to birth and rear its offspring while
simultaneously protecting and providing the material needs of the group.
Specialization was the only scheme that allowed survival.

Sex is a creation of necessity. Men and women are equally important. Neither can
survive without the other, they simply have different roles to play. The rejection
of these roles is to ignore eons of trial and error. Regardless of the state of science,
technology, religion, and philosophy social dynamics is the one great constant
in life. The bond between men and women is the manifestation of a contract; an
unspoken contract as old as life itself. It is an arrangement perpetuated by God's
one great commandment instilled within all creatures:

"I will survive."