If you love Spain and Spanish as much as I do, then I think you will enjoy perusing the
Spanish Page. I have tried to present sites that give you authentic selections that
Spanish speakers themselves enjoy listening to and reading. If you are at a loss of where
to start, try listening to live Spanish radio, or try one of the newspapers such as ABC or
El Pais. Enjoy the Spain links below, and to travel to Mexico, Central America, and South America, click on SOL (Spanish On Line). Un saludo, amigos.

New Spanish Speaking Countries! |
Spanish On Line! |
Now, for links for Spain,
where I lived for eight beautiful years,
click on one of the carefully chosen, interesting links below.
about listening to Spanish Radio Cope? or Radio Exterior de España"
you like to see some television from
today's Spanish newspaper.
Browse through a Spanish magazine.
like a Spanish book
internet Spanish grammar.
An internet Spanish dictionary.
is on Spanish television this week?
Facts about Spain.
Photos from Bolivia--these are
really good.
the web in Spanish!
Other useful Spanish links.

Other Cultural and Language Links
Spanish Newspapers
- El Pais Leading Spanish newspaper. Many articles in
depth. An excellent resource. In Spanish.
- El Mundo. Spanish newspaper with an
excellent electronic version. Take a look at the 10 best articles of the day, as
recommended by their readers. In Spanish.
- Marca Spanish newspaper for sports fans. In
- La Vanguardia. leading regional Spanish
newspaper in Barcelona, Spain. In Spanish.
- Heroldo de Aragon The is the
leading regional newspaper for Zaragoza, Spain. The paper currently (as of December 30,
1997) gives only an interesting, colored, scanned first page. We will have to wait a while
for the electronic version. In Spanish.
- Levante This is the newspaper of Valencia,
Spain, where I used to live. This paper gives a lot of local news, and is a good way to
keep up with Las Fallas, the famous Valencian festival, which takes place every spring. I
used to live in Valencia, often buying Levante at the news stand, and taking it to the
Park of Viveros to read it. In Spanish.
- Las Provincias Another newspaper that I used to read when I lived at Dr Gomez Ferrer, 13 in Valencia, Spain, just behind the University. In Spanish.
- Les Noticies. This
magazine is in one of Spain's regional languages, Asturiano or Bable. Very few articles,
but they give you a lot of local color. If you speak Spanish, I think you may enjoy taking
a glimpse at this periodical on line. In Asturiano!
- A Nossa Terra. This is a periodical which
is in Galician (Gallego), a language which is spoken in the northwestern part of Spain.
Few articles in the electronic version, but good for local viewpoint. If you can read
Spanish and Portuguese, you should be able to understand a good part of this. In Galician
- Newspaper from Costa Rica. La Nacion has a very
tastefully designed and copious website for their Costa Rican newspaper. Archives are
available starting from 1995. A great site. In Spanish.
- Agencia EFE. EFE is the Spanish equivalent of the
Associated Press or Reuters. This site will offer you some last minute up-to-date
headlines, but you will have to subscribe to get the full service.
Spanish Magazines
- Epoca. Spanish weekly with
commentary on political happenings in Spain, Europe and the rest of the world. Interesting
commentary. In Spanish.
- Diez Minutos. Online
version of the Spanish magazine with many photos of high-society happenings. Not much
information yet in comparison with the regular paper edition. In Spanish.
Spanish Radio
- Radio Nacional de España. This is
Spain's public broadcasting radio network. As of January 1998, this is little useful
information on the net, but in the future I hope that you will be able to get a lot of
useful news and cultural items from the Radio Nacional. In Spanish.
- RadioCable en Internet. One of
Microsoft's Best of the Web, this site is the first radio in Spain set up especially for
the Internet. In Spanish.
- Cadena SER Live
radio, plus headline news downloads for broadcasts during the day. Cadena SER is one of
Spain's leading private radio stations. Heard throughout Spain. In Spanish.
- Onda Cero Another national news radio station of Spain. Current transfer speed is 8.0 Kbps. In Spanish.
- Spanish Cuisine. This site is new, and has
very few recipes; in fact, I found only 2. But being a fan of Spanish Cooking (special
thanks to Celia and the Medranos in Madrid!) I will leave this site on my page with hopes
that more Spanish cooks will send in their recipes! In Spanish.
- Turron 1880 (nougat) In Spain during
the Christmas holiday season, the Spanish traditionally eat special desserts. Here is one
of my favorites: turron. In Spanish
- Ham Bar The is a great place to have a
sandwich in Madrid. Go in and see the hundreds of hams hanging from the ceiling and
everywhere else. Buy one of those, too. It all tastes great, and now they have a website.
In Spanish
Spanish Government
- El Ayuntamiento de Madrid. In Spanish.
- El Congreso de los Diputados. In Spanish.
- Boletín Oficial del Estado. Spain's publication of its
version of the Congressional Record, official publications, legal notices and the like. In
Spanish Political Parties
- El Partido Popular (PP). One of Spain's principal
political parties. In Spanish.
- PSOE, Spain's socialist party. Here is the main
website for the political party that governed Spain under Felipe Gonzalez from the early
1980's to mid 90's. In Spanish.
- Izquierda Unida. The coalition of Spain's
leftist parties. In Spanish.
- The Falange Spain's rightwing party, today very
small. In Spanish.
Spanish Music
- Spanish Songs.
Here is a useful list of the words of a number of Spanish albums: Ana Belen, Victor
Manuel, the Group Mecano, etc. In Spanish.
- Villancicos Spanish
Christmas carols with lyrics, and in many cases, music in Midi files. In Spanish.
- Zarzuela. History and
explanations of Spanish light opera. You may listen to some of the selections if you can
handle WAV formats. One of my favorite kinds of music. In Spanish.
Spanish Art and
- The Prado. Visit the world famous Prado Museum
in Madrid, Spain. It would be nice if the Prado would put more of their art collection on
the Internet, but in the meantime, at least we have this limited site. In Spanish and
- Museo Thyssen. Famous
collection recently relocated to Madrid. Next to the Prado Museum. In Spanish.
- Francisco Goya, Spanish painter.
Take a look at a dozen or so of Goya's most famous paintings, along with his biography in
this short but well-done site. In Spanish and English.
Spanish Transportation
- RENFE. Here is the website of the Spanish National
Railway System. Find out the train schedules for all of Spains cities and towns. Prices
will be added later. Buen viaje. In Spanish and English.
- Spanish Airports. AENA. As of January 1998, the best
way to descibe this ambitious website is "under construction." But you may want
to come back later. In Spanish.
Spanish Festivals
- Las Fallas. Now you can see what this
unique Spanish festival is like. Each year the people of the city of Valencia and
surrounding areas build hundreds of statues all around the town. Then at midnight they
burn them all but one! In Spanish.
- Fiesta of Moros and Cristianos. One of
Spain's many festivals in Villajoyosa of the province of Alicante. Take a look at this
website and start to find out why I love Spain. In Spanish, English, French, and German.
- Bullfighting.
6 Toros 6, an electronic version of a magazine for bullfight aficionados. It has
a number of photos, historical items, statistics on bullfighting, and an opinion page. In
- Bullfighting. Articles by the
Association Cultural Taurina. Their magazine is certainly plain vanilla in style, but has
reams of content. In Spanish.
Spanish Search Engines
- Ole. Another Spanish search engine for the main
languages of the Iberian Peninsula, including Spanish, Catalan, Gallego, Basque,
Portugues, and even Bable (Asturiano). In Spanish.
- Ozu. Another Spanish search engine. In Spanish.
Spanish Sites
- Villancicos Spanish
Christmas carols with lyrics, and in many cases, music in Midi files. In Spanish.
- United Nations. Come look at the United Nations
at their website in Spanish. In Spanish, English, and French.
- Photos of Spain. Organized by
region. Here you can get postcard-like photos of many of Spains principle monuments such
as the Prado, El Escorial, and many others. A dozen or so photos for each major city. Good
reference source for the teacher. In Spanish, English and German.
- Spanish Weather Bureau. A nice site
packed with a lot of information. Here is where you can go to find out average
temperatures and precipitation for various cities in Spain. In Spanish.
- Spain's Yellow Pages.
Currently the Páginas Amarillas just gives basic information like address and
telephone number. Hopefully the phone company will start to make use of the Web in the
near future. In Spanish.
- More photos from Spain.
From the Lonely Planet. Mostly architectural. In English.
- Don Quijote.
Read the online edition of Don Quijote by Cervantes. I read Don Quijote in its 1982 in
Madrid, Spain. It was a gift of the Esperanto Club of Valencia. (I have to confess: though
I am a fluent speaker of Spanish, I read Quijote in Esperanto! Still enjoyed it immensely!
In Spanish.
- Biblioteca Nacional of Spain. Browse around Spain's
national library. Not a very large site, but growing. In Spanish.
- Anaya Spanish Dictionary.
I love this page. Go to the part that says Diccionarios and from there you can
search any Spanish word starting with x, ending with x, or containing x. I typed in containing
rr and received the list, with definitions of hundreds of words containing rr,
including abejorro, abigarrado, aburrido, acatarrarse, achicharrar and all the way
up to zorruno. Try it! In Spanish.
- What's Happening in Madrid.
Cinema, theater, concerts, art expositions--it is all here in this handy guide of things
to do and see in Madrid. Also gives prices. Attractively arranged, but hopefully in the
future they will add more in-depth information, such as review links and others. In
- Spanish Red Cross. The Red Cross in Spain has
developed an attractive website with information on their activities in the Iberian
Peninsula. Don't miss their magazine on Spanish Red Cross activities. In Spanish.
- The Madrid Stock Exchange. Spain's principle
stock exchange is now on the internet. In Spanish.
- The Spanish Beatles Page. This
excellent page was written by Enrique Cabrera of Valencia, Spain. When I lived and taught
English in Valencia from 1982 to 1986, Enrique was my student (along with his dad in
another class) of English. You may wish to try out Enrique's English version as well. In
- Sportec. If you would like to know more about
sports in Spain, you have come to the right place. This site is excellent. Not only are
graphics of exceptional quality, the coverage of sport topics is in depth. I wish I had
access to this site when I lived in Spain! I would have learned Spanish much more quickly,
and understood Spanish sport culture much better. In Spanish.
- Universities in Spain. In
- The Distance between two Spanish
Telephones. In Spanish.
Dead Links -- hoping they will come back!
- Las Noticias This is the
newspaper of Valencia, Spain, where I used to live. The electronic version is a long way
from the paper one, but it does give you a special glimpse of the Mediterranean side of
the Spanish. In Spanish.
Copyright © 1997 Dennis Keefe
Last updated December 18, 1999.